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  • 1.  RFC: DeltaXML-TC4/doc/odf-track-changes.odt and numerical changeIDs

    Posted 12-12-2010 00:09
      While reading the track changes spec and hacking support for it into
    Abiword, I've noticed a few things which might make life easier for
    other implementers if they were accommodated in the spec rather than in
    each application implementing it. 
       There are cases such as this one where the existing code I am working
    with uses numerical IDs. So I can either hack a lookup map to translate
    string<->id or have the spec enforce that ids are as described below and
    perhaps other applications can rely on that too.
    Explicitly I refer to the idrefs for Change IDs. 
    Looking at the Change Transaction (CT) Structure section of the document
    referenced in the subject line, the form of a changeID is left
    reasonably open. In abiword, a revision (or change id) can have a user
    defined name and gets an internal "ID" which is a monotonically
    increasing integer.

  • 2.  Re: [office-collab] RFC: DeltaXML-TC4/doc/odf-track-changes.odt andnumerical change IDs

    Posted 12-13-2010 11:28
    I am certainly in favour of making things easier for implementers. 
    However, there are dangers in overloading the ID to effectively contain 
    some timing information. For example, when we do a comparison between 
    two documents, we may list the changes as track changes but we have no 
    information on when these were made, so by default they are all given 
    the same timestamp. However, their IDs would be different, in order that 
    the changes can be accepted or rejected independently.
    There is, as you say, another way of finding out this information.
    monkeyiq wrote:
    > Hi,
    >   While reading the track changes spec and hacking support for it into
    > Abiword, I've noticed a few things which might make life easier for
    > other implementers if they were accommodated in the spec rather than in
    > each application implementing it. 
    >    There are cases such as this one where the existing code I am working
    > with uses numerical IDs. So I can either hack a lookup map to translate
    > string<->id or have the spec enforce that ids are as described below and
    > perhaps other applications can rely on that too.
    > Explicitly I refer to the idrefs for Change IDs. 
    > Looking at the Change Transaction (CT) Structure section of the document
    > referenced in the subject line, the form of a changeID is left
    > reasonably open. In abiword, a revision (or change id) can have a user
    > defined name and gets an internal "ID" which is a monotonically
    > increasing integer.

  • 3.  Re: [office-collab] RFC: DeltaXML-TC4/doc/odf-track-changes.odtand numerical change IDs

    Posted 12-14-2010 07:26
    Ah excellent point re numeric IDs. For now I'll just assume the
    change-ids are arbitrary XML attributes and reassign numeric monotonic
    numbers on document load based on the revision time from the change-info
    Should the change-id attribute used in the delta:change-id be taken as
    the human readable description of this change ID to show the user or
    should we use an attribute inside delta:change-info (delta:change-log in
    the below example) for this human targeted information?
    If we want to have an explicit attribute for the human description,
    perhaps we should update section 5 of odf-track-changes.odt to include
    this in the example too? Sorry if this is already the case but I missed
    it :/
    On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 11:27 +0000, Robin LaFontaine wrote:
    > Ben,
    > I am certainly in favour of making things easier for implementers. 
    > However, there are dangers in overloading the ID to effectively contain 
    > some timing information. For example, when we do a comparison between 
    > two documents, we may list the changes as track changes but we have no 
    > information on when these were made, so by default they are all given 
    > the same timestamp. However, their IDs would be different, in order that 
    > the changes can be accepted or rejected independently.
    > There is, as you say, another way of finding out this information.
    > Regards,
    > Robin
    > monkeyiq wrote:
    > > Hi,
    > >   While reading the track changes spec and hacking support for it into
    > > Abiword, I've noticed a few things which might make life easier for
    > > other implementers if they were accommodated in the spec rather than in
    > > each application implementing it. 
    > >
    > >    There are cases such as this one where the existing code I am working
    > > with uses numerical IDs. So I can either hack a lookup map to translate
    > > string<->id or have the spec enforce that ids are as described below and
    > > perhaps other applications can rely on that too.
    > >
    > > Explicitly I refer to the idrefs for Change IDs. 
    > > Looking at the Change Transaction (CT) Structure section of the document
    > > referenced in the subject line, the form of a changeID is left
    > > reasonably open. In abiword, a revision (or change id) can have a user
    > > defined name and gets an internal "ID" which is a monotonically
    > > increasing integer.
    > >
    > >  

  • 4.  Re: [office-collab] RFC: DeltaXML-TC4/doc/odf-track-changes.odt andnumerical change IDs

    Posted 12-21-2010 14:15

    Sounds good re numeric IDs, thanks.

    A change-id attribute is not intended as human-readable. I think if we need a human-readable then this should not be in an attribute but as PCDATA in markup (but that is just my opinion!), and this was the intention of the delta:change-log as you suggest. We need more precise descriptions of these elements so that the intention is clearer.

    I hope this answers your question, sorry about delay in responding.


    monkeyiq wrote:
    1292311541.7392.138.camel@alkid.localdomain" type="cite">
    Ah excellent point re numeric IDs. For now I'll just assume the
    change-ids are arbitrary XML attributes and reassign numeric monotonic
    numbers on document load based on the revision time from the change-info
    Should the change-id attribute used in the delta:change-id be taken as
    the human readable description of this change ID to show the user or
    should we use an attribute inside delta:change-info (delta:change-log in
    the below example) for this human targeted information?
    If we want to have an explicit attribute for the human description,
    perhaps we should update section 5 of odf-track-changes.odt to include
    this in the example too? Sorry if this is already the case but I missed
    it :/
    On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 11:27 +0000, Robin LaFontaine wrote:
    I am certainly in favour of making things easier for implementers. 
    However, there are dangers in overloading the ID to effectively contain 
    some timing information. For example, when we do a comparison between 
    two documents, we may list the changes as track changes but we have no 
    information on when these were made, so by default they are all given 
    the same timestamp. However, their IDs would be different, in order that 
    the changes can be accepted or rejected independently.
    There is, as you say, another way of finding out this information.
    monkeyiq wrote:
      While reading the track changes spec and hacking support for it into
    Abiword, I've noticed a few things which might make life easier for
    other implementers if they were accommodated in the spec rather than in
    each application implementing it. 
       There are cases such as this one where the existing code I am working
    with uses numerical IDs. So I can either hack a lookup map to translate
    string<->id or have the spec enforce that ids are as described below and
    perhaps other applications can rely on that too.
    Explicitly I refer to the idrefs for Change IDs. 
    Looking at the Change Transaction (CT) Structure section of the document
    referenced in the subject line, the form of a changeID is left
    reasonably open. In abiword, a revision (or change id) can have a user
    defined name and gets an internal "ID" which is a monotonically
    increasing integer.
        <delta:change-transaction delta:change-id="1">
            <dc:creator>Ben Martin</dc:creator>
            <delta:change-log>All your base are belong...</delta:change-log>
        <delta:change-transaction delta:change-id="2">
    I am using the change-log element for the user's description of a
    revision at the moment, though a name field might be more appropriate.
    Having monotonically increasing integers for the change-id references
    has the advantage of being short, not subject to user input in the
    change-id attribute, and obviously if idn < idj then it is an earlier
    I am wondering if such requirements for the change-id would be
    appropriate in the spec itself so that all applications can rely on
    this. Obviously one can do a 
      < change-transaction-lookup-dc-date-time_t("foo7")
    to find out if ct3 is older than foo7 using the existing spec, so it
    becomes a question of if folks think using numeric IDs would make their
    implementation easier too.
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    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Robin La Fontaine, Director, DeltaXML Ltd  "Change control for XML"
    T: +44 1684 592 144  E:       
    Registered in England 02528681 Reg. Office: Monsell House, WR8 0QN, UK

  • 5.  Re: [office-collab] RFC: DeltaXML-TC4/doc/odf-track-changes.odtand numerical change IDs

    Posted 12-22-2010 05:43
    Since I'm now also using the DeltaXML Relax NG schemas to verify
    content.xml in emacs, I noticed that the change-id are currently defined
    as dcname which means they need to have leaving alpha:
    On Tue, 2010-12-21 at 14:14 +0000, Robin LaFontaine wrote:
    > Ben,
    > Sounds good re numeric IDs, thanks.
    > A change-id attribute is not intended as human-readable. I think if we
    > need a human-readable then this should not be in an attribute but as
    > PCDATA in markup (but that is just my opinion!), and this was the
    > intention of the delta:change-log as you suggest. We need more precise
    > descriptions of these elements so that the intention is clearer.
    > I hope this answers your question, sorry about delay in responding.
    > Robin
    > monkeyiq wrote: 
    > > Ah excellent point re numeric IDs. For now I'll just assume the
    > > change-ids are arbitrary XML attributes and reassign numeric monotonic
    > > numbers on document load based on the revision time from the change-info
    > > element.
    > > 
    > > Should the change-id attribute used in the delta:change-id be taken as
    > > the human readable description of this change ID to show the user or
    > > should we use an attribute inside delta:change-info (delta:change-log in
    > > the below example) for this human targeted information?
    > > 
    > > If we want to have an explicit attribute for the human description,
    > > perhaps we should update section 5 of odf-track-changes.odt to include
    > > this in the example too? Sorry if this is already the case but I missed
    > > it :/
    > > 
    > > 
    > > On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 11:27 +0000, Robin LaFontaine wrote:
    > >   
    > > > Ben,
    > > > 
    > > > I am certainly in favour of making things easier for implementers. 
    > > > However, there are dangers in overloading the ID to effectively contain 
    > > > some timing information. For example, when we do a comparison between 
    > > > two documents, we may list the changes as track changes but we have no 
    > > > information on when these were made, so by default they are all given 
    > > > the same timestamp. However, their IDs would be different, in order that 
    > > > the changes can be accepted or rejected independently.
    > > > 
    > > > There is, as you say, another way of finding out this information.
    > > > 
    > > > Regards,
    > > > Robin
    > > > 
    > > > monkeyiq wrote:
    > > >     
    > > > > Hi,
    > > > >   While reading the track changes spec and hacking support for it into
    > > > > Abiword, I've noticed a few things which might make life easier for
    > > > > other implementers if they were accommodated in the spec rather than in
    > > > > each application implementing it. 
    > > > > 
    > > > >    There are cases such as this one where the existing code I am working
    > > > > with uses numerical IDs. So I can either hack a lookup map to translate
    > > > > string<->id or have the spec enforce that ids are as described below and
    > > > > perhaps other applications can rely on that too.
    > > > > 
    > > > > Explicitly I refer to the idrefs for Change IDs. 
    > > > > Looking at the Change Transaction (CT) Structure section of the document
    > > > > referenced in the subject line, the form of a changeID is left
    > > > > reasonably open. In abiword, a revision (or change id) can have a user
    > > > > defined name and gets an internal "ID" which is a monotonically
    > > > > increasing integer.
    > > > > 
    > > > >