OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Corrections to 4/29

    Posted 05-13-2008 17:00
    Please review the following as updates from Geoge to the draft 
    meeting notes from the NWS/WMO meetings.  I will move this to other 
    topics. Elysa
    >Below is a revised description of my comments.
    >Should this be part of the GIS SC Report?  Currently they are, but
    >perhaps they should be in the "6. other topics"
    >George Percivall attended a WMO meeting hosted by the NWS in Silver
    >Springs, MD on the topic of data representation.  George and Dave
    >Webber attended parts of the 3 day meeting on behalf of the EM-TC.
    >WMO established an expert team to review data representation systems,
    >in particular the existing WMO standards of GRIB and BUFR.  Several
    >newer standards were discussed - see link below.  A paper was
    >presented on CAP and ASN.1 based upon ITU Recommendations ITU-T X. 
    >1303, X.680 to X.683, and X.690 to X.695.  The paper was presented by
    >Eliot Christian who has been promoting CAP in the Global Earth
    >Observing System of Systems (GEOSS).  CAP is now registered in the
    >GEOSS registry for standards.
    >- WMO Expert Team on Assessment of Data Representation Systems (ET- 
    >ADRS) meeting:
    >     http://www.wmo.ch/pages/prog/www/WDM/ET-ADRS-1/Documents.html
    >- GEOSS Registry includes an entry for OASIS CAP
    >- Use of CAP in a GEOSS Oil Scenario

  • 2.  RE: [emergency] Corrections to 4/29

    Posted 05-13-2008 23:53
    It's nice to see that the work done by the ITU-T on CAP (especially the
    addition of ASN.1 binary encodings as an alternative to XML) is being
    recognized and promoted at this level.  I will let the ITU-T folks know
    about Eliot's presentation.