OASIS Code List Representation TC

Request a TC GitHub version control instance be created

  • 1.  Request a TC GitHub version control instance be created

    Posted 01-11-2021 19:48
    Submitted on Monday, January 11, 2021 - 19:48 Submitted by user: Submitted values are: Your name: G. Ken Holman TC name: Code List Representation TC email address: codelist@lists.oasis-open.org GitHub repository name: codelist-genericode Maintainer(s): Ken Holman - gkholman - gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com Description: This repository is for the development and maintenance of the documentation and artefacts associated with OASIS genericode. Purpose statement : The OASIS genericode specification incorporates documentation and a number of supporting machine-readable artefacts for the representation and IT-enablement of coded domains populated by "a set of codes representing X". This will satisfy an implementation of the Functional Services View of code lists where the Business Operational View is documented in ISO/IEC 15944-10. The documentation is to be authored in XML and published in two layouts: the OASIS specification layout and the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2 layout (the latter for potential PAS submission to JTC 1 for international standardization). Various artefacts, existing and identified to be developed, will be incorporated into the repository for inclusion in the final deliverable. Notes: Other maintainers will be added in the near future when their credentials have been collected (thank you for your patience). Also note that in private correspondence the committee will provide a couple GitHub secret values that will be needed for publishing purposes. The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN