OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

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materials on the 3rd XACML Interop and HIMSS conference

  • 1.  materials on the 3rd XACML Interop and HIMSS conference

    Posted 04-17-2009 15:30


  • 2.  RE: materials on the 3rd XACML Interop and HIMSS conference

    Posted 04-21-2009 18:30

    Hi Everyone – the press release may be found at:  http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis-news-2009-04-04.php  or http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/template.NDM/news/tradeshow/?javax.portlet.tpst=022a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_ws_MX&javax.portlet.prp_022a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_viewID=news_view_popup&javax.portlet.prp_022a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_newsLang=en&javax.portlet.prp_022a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_ndmHsc=v2*A1192964400000*B1240363585000*DgroupByDate*G3*J2*M52208*N1014380&javax.portlet.prp_022a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_newsId=20090404005007&beanID=1963892417&viewID=news_view_popup&javax.portlet.begCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.endCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken

    Anil – who from the TC should we work with to get this information on the TC homepage?  Please let me know. Thanks, Jane

    From: Staggs, David (SAIC) [mailto:David.Staggs@va.gov]
    Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 11:27 AM
    To: Rich.Levinson; xacml; Jane Harnad; Dee Schur
    Cc: Davis, John M.
    Subject: materials on the 3rd XACML Interop and HIMSS conference


    I’m still collecting materials on the 3rd XACML Interop in October.

    Attached are the materials distributed at the HIMSS conference.  I appreciate you taking the time to make them available on the XACML TC page.  Jane may have some additional press releases too.



    David Staggs, JD, CISSP (SAIC)
    Veterans Health Administration
    Chief Health Informatics Office
    Emerging Health Technologies
    Office: 858 433 1473

    Thanks Rich, I was hoping for some help on this.  I'll gather the materials and send them to you.



    David Staggs, JD, CISSP (SAIC)

    Veterans Health Administration

    Chief Health Informatics Office

    Emerging Health Technologies

    From: Rich.Levinson [mailto:rich.levinson@oracle.com]

    Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 9:27 AM

    To: Staggs, David (SAIC)

    Subject: Question on 3rd xacml interop

    Hi David,

    When looking over the main page of the XACML TC site:


    I realized that I have not yet included anything on the 3rd XACML Interop in October (and 4th at HIMSS?), which I think would be very useful to have on the page.

    So, in particular, (I'm asking to save myself the time of hunting this info down and still possibly missing latest versions or whatever) was there an Interop doc for these events, which has either been or could be posted, and are there any other useful informatory materials that could be included in a zip file for those interops as we did for the 2nd Interop?


    If you can provide me refs, when I get a few moments to address it, I will update the page.



  • 3.  Re: [xacml] RE: materials on the 3rd XACML Interop and HIMSS conference

    Posted 04-24-2009 03:20
    Hi Jane and David,
    I have put together a zip file, which contains the press release plus 
    the reference documents that David and Mike gave to me. I also updated 
    the XACML TC main page to include information about the HIMSS Interop, 
    which includes a link to the zip file, and a ref to the XSPA TC:
    If further materials (for example on the London Interop) become 
    available, we can update the zip file with them, possibly with a 
    separate zip for London, if appropriate.
    Based on the scope of the HIMSS demo, I thought that it was better not 
    to characterize that as explicitly a XACML Interop, because the emphasis 
    I believe included SAML, WS-Trust, HITSP TP 20/30, as well as the XSPA 
    Let me know if everything looks ok, and/or if there are any changes you 
    would like me to make.
    Jane Harnad wrote:
    > Hi Everyone - the press release may be found at:
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis-news-2009-04-04.php  or
    > http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/template.NDM/news/tradeshow/?ja
    > vax.portlet.tpst=022a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_ws_MX&javax.portlet.prp_02
    > 2a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_viewID=news_view_popup&javax.portlet.prp_022a
    > 76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_newsLang=en&javax.portlet.prp_022a76fa06ba79ce1
    > e53afda5dd260fb_ndmHsc=v2*A1192964400000*B1240363585000*DgroupByDate*G3*J2*M
    > 52208*N1014380&javax.portlet.prp_022a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_newsId=200
    > 90404005007&beanID=1963892417&viewID=news_view_popup&javax.portlet.begCacheT
    > ok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.endCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken
    > Anil - who from the TC should we work with to get this information on the TC
    > homepage?  Please let me know. Thanks, Jane
    >   _____  
    > From: Staggs, David (SAIC) [mailto:David.Staggs@va.gov] 
    > Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 11:27 AM
    > To: Rich.Levinson; xacml; Jane Harnad; Dee Schur
    > Cc: Davis, John M.
    > Subject: materials on the 3rd XACML Interop and HIMSS conference
    > Rich
    > I'm still collecting materials on the 3rd XACML Interop in October.
    > Attached are the materials distributed at the HIMSS conference.  I
    > appreciate you taking the time to make them available on the XACML TC page.
    > Jane may have some additional press releases too.
    > Regards
    > David
    > David Staggs, JD, CISSP (SAIC)
    > Veterans Health Administration
    > Chief Health Informatics Office
    > Emerging Health Technologies
    > Office: 858 433 1473
    >   _____  
    > Thanks Rich, I was hoping for some help on this.  I'll gather the materials
    > and send them to you.
    > Regards
    > David
    > David Staggs, JD, CISSP (SAIC)
    > Veterans Health Administration
    > Chief Health Informatics Office
    > Emerging Health Technologies