OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC

Cancel next two weeks BDXR call(?)

  • 1.  Cancel next two weeks BDXR call(?)

    Posted 10-12-2021 08:21
    Dear all   At our last call we agreed to cancel the calls of September 29 and October 6 while awaiting the public review of the AS4 CSD. Since the public review hasn’t been announced yet, I propose to cancel the meetings this week and the following.   Let me know if anyone wishes to have calls either this week or the next. If hearing nothing, our next scheduled call will be:   2021-10-26/2021-10-27 Pacific: 17:00MSP/00:00Europe/18:00Ottawa/22:00UTC/09:00Sydney Atlantic: 10:00MSP/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe   Best regards,   Kenneth