Hi Grant, Thanks for your feedback. Taking into account your proposal, and to speed up the discussion on the prefix, I try to summarise the change you propose. I group them in different sections change that are ok for me (so, if nobody disagree, we can adopt them). the list of term for which you propose to avoid abbreviations (again, can be adopted if no objection) the terms with, I think, two acceptable options, so we can decide quickly between the two options. some prefix that, for me, need an additional discussion including multiple terms 3 terms for which an additional discussion is needed (for me, currently, no good alternative on the table) Kind regards Véronique Véronique Parisse AUBAY Luxembourg Orco House 38, Parc d’activités - L-8308 Capellen Standard : +352 2992501 Fax : +352 299251
www.aubay.com De :
legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org [
legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org] de la part de Grant Vergottini [
grant.vergottini@xcential.com] Envoyé : mardi 19 novembre 2013 7:37 À :
legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org Objet : [legaldocml] Abbreviations Hi Everyone, Here is my revision to the abbreviation list. My suggestions are in green and comments are on the right. - I tried to use common English abbreviations as much as possible - I tried to be consistent with regards to abbreviating the same word in different places. - I rectified some abbreviations where the abbreviation was inappropriate - either a bad meaning or implying a different yet plausible meaning. - I tried to avoid abbreviations where the word was already short (it's a pet peeve) -- Grant ____________________________________________________________________ Grant Vergottini Xcential Group, LLC. email:
grant.vergottini@xcential.com phone: 858.361.6738 Attachment: prefix-discussion.doc Description: prefix-discussion.doc