OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

Issue 33: Message formatting proposal

  • 1.  Issue 33: Message formatting proposal

    Posted 10-10-2017 22:34
    In the TC meeting of September 20, we discussed allowing certain messages defined by the SARIF specification to contain formatting information, rather than being restricted to plain text. I have uploaded a proposal to address this issue. In the OASIS TC SARIF GitHub repo, please see the document Documents/ChangeDrafts/sarif-v1.0-issue-33-gfm.docx: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec/blob/master/Documents/ChangeDrafts/sarif-v1.0-issue-33-gfm.docx In particular, please see the following change-barred sections: 3.10 Message properties, p. 18 This section distinguishes between plain text messages and messages with formatting. It specifies GitHub Flavored Markdown as the formatting language. It offers security guidelines for processing Markdown. The remaining changes specify whether each "message"-like property is restricted to plain text or permits formatting: 3.17.5 result.message property, pp. 36-37 plain or formatted 3.22.2 codeFlow.message property, p. 51 plain 3.23.2 stack.message property, p. 51 plain 3.24.2 stackFrame.message property, p. 52 plain 3.25.8 annotatedCodeLocation.message property, p. 55 plain 3.26.2 annotation.message property, p. 64 plain 3.27.5 rule.shortDescription property, p. 65 plain 3.27.6 rule.fullDescription property, p. 65 plain or formatted 3.29.2 fix.description property, p. 67 plain 3.32.6 notification.message property, p. 71 plain 3.33.3 exception.message property, p. 72 plain I'd like to discuss this at tomorrow's TC meeting. Thanks, Larry