OASIS Emergency Management TC

RE: [emergency] new subcommittee

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] new subcommittee

    Posted 12-24-2008 19:47
    Thanks David,
    I've downloaded the slides and I will look them 
    over. I suspect that this approach will aid 
    However, I am not a co-chair of this effort, so I 
    am copying this to Sukumar Dwrkanath with the 
    suggestion that he consider it.
    Sukumar, sorry for the duplication, but I thought 
    it wiser to make that duplication a way to draw 
    your attention to this.
    I have signed up to edit the spec, and I have 
    already expressed the thought that we may want to 
    include a few examples to clarify the 
    distinctions among the particular profiles. 
    Providing a sample for how to use CAM to verify 
    conformance with the conformance section(s) we 
    include in the specification(s) strikes me as a 
    tool that the NIMS Support Center might want to 
    investigate, in addition to the TC's Adoption SC. 
    I have long been inclined to the view that 
    thinking about how a specification will be 
    implemented is important.
    Best Wishes to All,
    At 9:55 AM -0700 12/24/08, David RR Webber \(XML\) wrote:
    >In the spirit of gift giving - I'm trying to 
    >play catchup here - I looked quickly at the 
    >IPAWS profile worksheet.
    >Seems to me this is perfect example for the use 
    >of CAM templates - to refine the use model to 
    >match each CAP profile desired.  Then use the 
    >CAM template to generate mini-IEPDs for each - 
    >this fits with the NIEM approach.
    >Making the NIEM IEPD from the XSD + CAM template 
    >was the subject of my talk at XML2008 - and I 
    >used the EDXL HAVE as the example.
    >The slides for that are here: