OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  CAP v1.2 comment issues

    Posted 08-27-2009 19:46
    	The Msgs subcommittee is meeting again next week on Sep 3 at 1 PM to discuss some comments that were received during the CAP v1.2 public review.  A preliminary review of the comments has been completed but there are some issues that were deferred for further discussion.  We'd like to get input from other TC members who haven't been attending the meetings on how to address these issues.  Please consider either attending the meeting next week, or commenting via email to the TC list on the issues.
    	The CAP v1.2 issues list is available here:  http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-msg/download.php/33978/CAPv1.2-PR01-IssuesList.xls
    	A brief summary of the discussion issues:
    #1 Expanding the use of the 

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] CAP v1.2 comment issues

    Posted 08-27-2009 20:18
    Thanks Jacob,
    I wanted to add that anyone who cares to, is welcome to review the 
    issues, and send their thoughts, and/or proposed resolutions to the list 
    and we can discuss it before next week's meeting.
    Jacob Westfall wrote:
    > Hi,
    > 	The Msgs subcommittee is meeting again next week on Sep 3 at 1 PM to discuss some comments that were received during the CAP v1.2 public review.  A preliminary review of the comments has been completed but there are some issues that were deferred for further discussion.  We'd like to get input from other TC members who haven't been attending the meetings on how to address these issues.  Please consider either attending the meeting next week, or commenting via email to the TC list on the issues.
    > 	The CAP v1.2 issues list is available here:  http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-msg/download.php/33978/CAPv1.2-PR01-IssuesList.xls
    > 	A brief summary of the discussion issues:
    > #1 Expanding the use of the