Submitter's message Recast all schemas in response to feedback on WD02 specification. More simplifications is possible, including collapsing into a single schema. I wanted to preserve traceability on the process.
Largest change is the creation of Resource, Product and Instrument as top-level items, which simplified the ei payloads significantly -- Toby Considine Document Name : Description Notes to WD02 EI-CTS Schema
1) Migrated EMIX-Item to Resource/Product/Instrument compatible structures. (Simple-EMIX)
2) ProductBase is stil exensible, so it could handle other Resources with an extension schema
2) Payloads need to be reviewed for correctness
3) Have not collpsed Warrants into Simple-Emix yet. Warrants would permit trading of, say, renewable power within a CTS Market
4) We should consider doing away with siScale, leaving only a base10 exponent in its place Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Toby Considine Group : OASIS Energy Interoperation TC Folder : Standards Date submitted : 2021-03-06 12:14:58