UBL Transportation SC

Re: VS: VS: [ubl-dev] Help appreciated

  • 1.  Re: VS: VS: [ubl-dev] Help appreciated

    Posted 07-01-2006 01:32
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    Subject: Re: VS: VS: [ubl-dev] Help appreciated

    Juha Ik�valko wrote:
    >L�hett�j�: Tim McGrath [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au] 
    >L�hetetty: 30. kes�kuuta 2006 14:57
    >Vastaanottaja: Juha Ik�valko
    >Kopio: UBL-Dev
    >Aihe: Re: VS: [ubl-dev] Help appreciated
    >Juha Ik�valko wrote:
    >Thank you Tim!
    >I got two additional questions related to a waybill and especially to a transport handling unit:
    >Question 1:
    >I need to describe the hierarchy of packages. I assume I can use Package/ContainedPackege to inform that a certain package (Package) is contained in another package (ContainedPackage). In case of the most outer package, I also need to describe in which transport equipment this package is contained. For example, in which pallet a certain package is contained in. I don't know how to describe this with a structure of UBL Waybill? Extension needed? There is also a need to describe a hierarchy of transport equipments. Extension needed?
    >i see this as the Transport Handling Unit being at the top of the package hierarchy.  so the Transport Equipment for the THU is the one that contains the outer package (and by definition all others).
    >something like this...
    >    <Transport Equipment>
    >    </Transport Equipment>
    >    <Package>
    >        <ContainedPackage>
    >        </ContainedPackage>
    >        <ContainedPackage>
    >        </ContainedPackage>
    >    </Package>
    >    <Package>
    >        <ContainedPackage>
    >        </ContainedPackage>
    >    </Package>
    >does that makes sense?
    >JI: In a case where a container is the unit been handled in transportation there might be other transport equipments, such as pallets, contained in the same transport handling unit. In this case I have a structure:
    >  <TransportEquipment>Container1 information</TransportEquipment>
    >  <TransportEquipment>Pallet1 information</TransportEquipment>
    >  <TransportEquipment>Pallet2 information</TransportEquipment>
    >  <ActualPackage>Packet1 information</ActualPackage>
    > ...
    >In this case I want to describe that the Packet1 is contained in the Pallet1 which is contained in the Container1. A human might guess this hierarchy but on a machine level it should be described exactly.
    it seems like you are looking for an operational view (that is, a 
    container view of the shipment), whereas we are trying to build a 
    commercial view (the goods being carried).  in the case above i suspect 
    it should be seen as...
      <TransportEquipment>Container1 information</TransportEquipment>
      <TransportEquipment>Pallet1 information</TransportEquipment>
      <ActualPackage>Packet1 information</ActualPackage>
      <TransportEquipment>Container1 information</TransportEquipment>
      <TransportEquipment>Pallet2 information</TransportEquipment>
      <ActualPackage>Packet2 information</ActualPackage>
    >Package<=>ContainedPackage relationship problem I already mentioned in my previous email.
    >Question 2:
    >If there is a need to use tarpaulin, rope or chain in a transport handling unit, how should I describe these? In EDIFACT equipment contained attached equipment which was used for this purpose. Should I use TransportEquipment for these too in UBL?
    >yes i would use TransportEquipment and the type of equipment would be described in the Information element.  it may be useful to add the requirement for the TRED 8053 Equipment type code qualifier code list to TransportEquipment in future.  what is your opinion?
    >JI: Yes, I think that an accurate code element is needed in future to describe the type of equipment and 8053 is an existing code list for this purpose. 
    OK i will add it the list of issues for UBL 2.0.  As structural change 
    to the model/schema it is unlikely to make it into UBL 2.0 (just a bit 
    too late) but its on the list for the next release.
    >Best Regards,
    >Juha Ik�valko
    >TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehitt�miskeskus ry 
    >TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre 
    >Salomonkatu 17 A, 10th floor FI-00100 Helsinki 
    >Tel +358 9 4763 0410 Fax +358 9 4763 0399 
    >juha.ikavalko@tieke.fi http://www.tieke.fi
    >-----Alkuper�inen viesti-----
    >L�hett�j�: Tim McGrath [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au] 
    >L�hetetty: 30. kes�kuuta 2006 3:51
    >Vastaanottaja: Juha Ik�valko
    >Kopio: UBL-Dev
    >Aihe: Re: [ubl-dev] Help appreciated
    >Juha Ik�valko wrote:
    >	Hello developers,
    >	Could someone help me on the following problems?
    >	Waybill:
    >	I need to state the net weight of a hazardous item contained in a transport handling unit. This need was covered in EDIFACT (GID/DGS/MEA) but I don't find an element for this in UBL Waybill. For example, if I have a box of bullets, I have to state how much gunpowder (hazardous item) these bullets contain. Is someone able to solve this problem or do I need a custom extension?
    >It does look like what is missing is a weight, volume and quantity from 
    >HazardousItem.  Too late to make it into UBL 2.0 so my suggestion would 
    >be the create these as customized extensions but we should also add them 
    >to the list for the next release.  It is clearly a requirement for when 
    >an Item is either not all hazardous or contains several different 
    >hazardous components.
    >	Order:
    >	Could someone describe the role of an OriginatorCustomerParty? For example, if a grocery orders from a wholesaler who orders from a manufacturer, is the grocery the OriginatorCustomerParty for the wholesaler-to-manufacturer transaction?
    >i'll leave the final answer on this to the procurement subcommittee but 
    >my feeling is 'no'.  at least not in a simple relationship you 
    >describe.  however, if the wholesaler was placing orders with the 
    >manufacturer specifically on behalf of the grocery then the grocery 
    >would be the OriginatorCustomerParty.  one of the key factors in this is 
    >whether the manufacturer needs to know about the grocery.
    >	Best Regards, 
    >	Juha Ik�valko
    >	TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehitt�miskeskus ry 
    >	TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre 
    >	Salomonkatu 17 A, 10th floor FI-00100 Helsinki 
    >	Tel +358 9 4763 0410 Fax +358 9 4763 0399 
    >	juha.ikavalko@tieke.fi http://www.tieke.fi
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    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
    web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath

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