From: Ponikvar, Donald (CTR) <> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 12:55 PM To: Tom Fahy <>; Donald Ponikvar ( <>; 'Elysa Jones (' <> Subject: RE: SAVE THE DATE -- EIC Meeting on Wednesday, November 14th, 2-4pm -- Featured Topic: NWS Delivery Services - Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going? Corrected dial-in information: EIC LOG-IN: Dial-in Number: 1-855-852-7677 Conference Pin : 6072180 Sorry for the confusion… Don Ponikvar Donald R. Ponikvar, PhD Chairman Emergency Interoperability Consortium Phone: 202-254-7717 Email: Promoting Data Interoperability and Standards for Emergencies and Incident Management The Emergency Interoperability Consortium (EIC) is chartered by the Department of Homeland Security – Directorate for Science & Technology (DHS S&T) From: Tom Fahy < > Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2018 1:27 PM To: Ponikvar, Donald (CTR) < >; Donald Ponikvar ( ) < >; 'Elysa Jones ( )' < > Subject: SAVE THE DATE -- EIC Meeting on Wednesday, November 14th, 2-4pm -- Featured Topic: NWS Delivery Services - Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going? Importance: High EIC Community Members, November's Emergency Interoperability Consortium meeting will feature a presentation from Michelle Mainelli , Director of the Office of Dissemination at NOAA National Weather Service. Mike Gerber, WEA Representative from NOAA NWS will also attend. Michelle’s presentation title and overview is: NWS Delivery Services - Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going? The NWS forecast mission depends on the timely dissemination of critical data internally to forecasters and externally to the American Public and Weather Enterprise. The Director of the NWS Office of Dissemination will provide an overview of the various methods the National Weather Service currently delivers watches, warnings, and products to their customers and partners. Included in these delivery services are NOAA Weather Radio, Emergency Alert System, Wireless Emergency Alerts, NOAAPort, Common Alerting Protocol, as well as Web and GIS services. Each of these delivery services, provide critical information in a format and medium to meet customer needs. However, maintaining and supporting a multitude of dissemination methods is challenging. NWS will discuss potential ways to evolve their delivery services to enable most effective means of warning dissemination. Topics covered will also include how the NWS infrastructure is currently operationally maintained and supported. Following Michelle’s presentation the EIC features a Stakeholders Roundtable comprised of Emergency Managers and Weather Industry Representatives. Participants will be announced soon. Elysa Jones, Chairman of the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (EMTC) will present on her committee’s monthly report. Donald Ponikvar , Chairman of the Emergency Interoperability Consortium, will serve as session moderator. EIC LOG-IN: Dial-in Number: 1-877-717-1478 Conference Pin : 5615042 We look forward to your participation. Please share this invitation with your colleagues in Cybersecurity, Emergency Management, Public Safety and the Weather Enterprise. Mark your calendars for November 14th for this important presentation and discussion about the Delivery of NWS Disseminations. Best regards, Tom Tom Fahy Board Secretary Emergency Interoperability Consortium (EIC) Office: (202) 420-7491 Cell: (202) 375-4696 Promoting Data Interoperability and Standards for Emergencies and Incident Management The Emergency Interoperability Consortium (EIC) is chartered by the Department of Homeland Security – Directorate for Science & Technology (DHS S&T)