I wrote a policy test case for XML resource. I also attach the file in PDF
(See attached file: PolicyTestCaseForXML.pdf)
Michiharu Kudo
Title: XACML Policy Test Case - Access Control Policy for XML Resource
December 16, 2001
Author: Michiharu Kudo
An example XML instance is an order request document sent from ABC company
to XYZ company
and it is stored in the repository of the XYZ company. It contains
sensitive information under
<Secret> element. A security administrator in XYZ company wants to specify
the policy to hide
<Secret> element whenever the access to this document comes from outside
the company.
We assume that there are two roles here, InternalUser and ExternalUser. The
access control policy
he needs to specify is the following:
- When an internal user submits an access request, the PDP says that the
requester can read
every element under the root node.
- When an external user submits an access request, the PDP MUST say that he
cannot read any
element below the <Secret> element. As a result, the external user receives
the following XML
fragment from the PEP.
Considering above intention, the PDP returns the access decision in
response to the access request
as follows:
Access Request 1: Can an InternalUser read the OrderRequest XML instance?
Access Decision 1: Yes.
Access Request 2: Can an ExternalUser read the OrderRequest XML instance?
Access Decision 2: Yes, but he can read only
"/OrderRequest/Header/To/CompanyName", and "/OrderRequest/Body/Total/Money"
but not
To be consistent with the SAML authorization decision assertion, the
additional decision
information such as "he can read only ..." is stored in the SAML
<Conditions> element. We assume
here that the PEP understands the description specified in the <Conditions>
element and it filters
disallowed elements out when it returns the requested XML instance to the
We describe how to specify the above policy and present three manners here
(note that this is not
exhaustive.) We assume that the requested action is read.
(1) Grant only policy: specify the positive permissions on each readable
(2) Grant only policy based on the algorithm that supports a permission
propagation through XML
structure. In the case of this policy evaluation algorithm, if a positive
permission is specified on the
specific element X, it implies that all the descendant elements under X are
allowed to access.
(3) Grant and deny policy based on the previous propagation algorithm: If a
negative permission is
specified on the specific element X, it implies that all the descendant
elements under X are
disallowed to access. If any conflicts occur (that means both the grant and
the deny permissions
hold at the same time on the same element), the denial permission takes
We first describe each policy in simplified manner.
(1) Grant Only Policy
IF (principal == "InternalUser") AND
((resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Header/From/CompanyName") OR
(resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Header/From/Secret/mode") OR
(resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Header/From/Secret/authcode") OR
(resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Header/To/CompanyName") OR
(resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Body/Total/Money"))
THEN grant
IF (principal == "ExternalUser") AND
((resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Header/From/CompanyName") OR
(resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Header/To/CompanyName") OR
(resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Body/Total/Money"))
THEN grant
The first rule lists every element. The second rule lists only readable
elements. The problem of this
approach is that if the number of elements becomes greater, it would not be
wise to specify each
element in the policy. Another problem is that it would become unclear that
the current set of rules
enforce the secrecy policy that the <Secret> sub-tree is not disclosed to
any ExternalUser.
(2) Grant Only Policy (based on the propagation algorithm):
IF (principal == "InternalUser") AND
(resource.element == "/")
THEN grant
IF (principal == "ExternalUser") AND
((resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Header/From/CompanyName") OR
(resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Header/To/CompanyName") OR
(resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Body/Total/Money"))
THEN grant
The point of this approach is that the policy does not have to list every
element that is allowed to
access. The first rule implies that every element under the root node ("/")
is readable by the
InternalUser. The certain algorithm handles the permission propagation
computation toward the
leaf elements.
(3) Grant and Deny Policy (based on the propagation algorithm):
IF (principal == "InternalUser") AND
(resource.element == "/")
THEN grant
IF (principal == "ExternalUser") AND
(resource.element == "/")
THEN grant
IF (principal == "ExternalUser") AND
(resource.element == "/OrderRequest/Header/From/Secret")
THEN deny
The second rule says that the ExternalUser is allowed to read every node
below the root node, while
the third rule says that the ExternalUser is not allowed to read any node
below the <Secret>
element. In the propagation algorithm, the conflict resolution occurs and
the access to the <Secret>,
<mode>, and <authcode> elements is determined as denial because of the
denial takes precedence
The above Use Case imposes the following requirements on an access control
policy language.
1. Ability to describe a grant-and-denial policy as well as a grant-only
policy, or ability to provide
the language syntax and the semantics with extensibility and flexibility
for satisfying the
description in the XACML charter section.
2. Ability to use a specific semantic basis (or its implementation) defined
by the user to make an
access decision.
(The user-defined semantic basis means a high-level description of the
semantics as described in
this use case. We assume that the user implements the algorithm. Those
implementations should
be considered as a valid XACML processor if it supports a mandatory XACML
standard algorithm.
If those extended algorithms are important to certain application area, it
should be included in the
standard specification in addition to the mandatory one.)
3. Ability to support the triple-based syntax like <principal, resource,
action> IN ADDITION TO the
current flat-structure based syntax.
(It is reasonable to claim this because the policy used in this use case
simply consists of the triple
<principal, resource, (action)>, which represents the notion of the access
control policy very well.
Note that this is not saying that the triple-based syntax replaces the
current Boolean-based
specification. Both can coexist. )
We compare expressiveness of the policy specification in order to explain
the intention for the
requirement 1 and 3. We first describe the policy for the first policy
example (Grant Only Policy)
based on the current specification proposal. Then we describe the third
policy example (Grant and
Deny Policy) based on the current specification proposal. Lastly, we
describe the third policy (Grant
and Deny Policy) based on possible triple-like syntax just for feeling an
appearance. (The
applicability elements are omitted. Parameters might be wrongly specified.)
A. Policy specification for the Grant Only Policy example based on the
current specification proposal
B. Policy specification for the Grant And Deny Policy example based on the
current specification
<rule type="deny"><preCondition>
C. A Sample policy specification for the Grant And Deny Policy example
based on the TRIPLE-BASED
policy specification. This includes several modifications and additions to
the currently proposed
language syntax.
<equality type="roleAttribute" value="InternalUser"/>
<equality type="classificationAttribute" value="/"/>
<equality type="roleAttribute" value="ExternalUser"/>
<equality type="classificationAttribute" value="/"/>
<equality type="roleAttribute" value="ExternalUser"/>
<equality type="classificationAttribute" value