Members of the TOSCA TC, We have checked over the latest working draft submission and it is is good shape. Thanks very much. We have a couple of tickets queued up ahead of it but should be working on it shortly. Here are some items we came across during our QC so I thought I would share them with you for future working drafts. Unless otherwise noted, these are just heads up, not required changes. - Sect. 2.3 Normative References: we noted that the reference to [BPMN 2.0] des not have linked URI and that the title includes “Beta 1” but no such designation is visible on the referenced website. - Bracketed references in the text have inconsistent behavior. For example, some to [XML Namespaces] are live, but are not linked to the entry in section 2.3, Normative References. Others are not linked at all (e.g., [XML Schema Part 1, XML Schema Part 2] in Section 2.5; [XML Base, RFC 2396] in Section 2.7.2; [OVF] in 3.2.4). - In Sect. 2.5, the linked text “Table 1” , but it doesn't display itself as a link so it is not easily noticeable. - Several sections have examples that include as a domain. is a domain name owned by someone. While not required, I ask TCs to use or as these are domain names reserved by IANA specifically for use in documentation. We would like to avoid using domain names that might cause unwanted traffic to someone else's web sight. - Conformance clauses - just a heads up / reminder that when you *do* go out for public review, you will need to have conformance clauses in your document. Not required for CSDs but required for CSPRDs. The TAB has published guidelines to help with crafting good conformance clauses at - The acknowledgements section - thank you for adding that in. Typically it is either the first appendix or just before the revision history. - The schema: Thanks for providing the plain text copy. The file is named TOSCA-v1.0-wd05.xsd. Because schemas and other artifacts get versioned in folders along with each release of your draft, we don't put the "-wd05" on the names of computer files. We will take it off as we publish this version. Also, if you could include a relative link to the schema in the spec, that would be good as well. You can link it as /schemas/TOSCA-v1.0.xsd and we will construct the folder /schemas inside /csd02/ to contain it. - The TOSCA grammar: I assume that this is a normative file so this should also be provided as a separate plain text computer file and linked as above. If it is meant to be non-normative, please label it as such to avoid confusion. - Appendix E includes a “Sample Service Topology Definition” which sounds like it is non-normative. Please either label it as non-normative or again provide a separate plain text file. Thanks & congratulations on all this progress! Let me know if you have any questions on any of this. -- /chet ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook: