EM-TC Members, Please see the note below addressed to OASIS regarding a liaison statement with the ITU-R. Details can be found in the links shown below. The topic is - “Technologies for Public Protection and Disaster Relief Communications associated with work on WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.3”. This is a “Liaison statement to external organizations on the technologies for public protection and disaster relief communications associated with work on WRC-15 Agenda item 1.3.” Items noted in my brief scan of the documents were cognitive radio and intelligent transmissions. They focus on such items as radio interface standards for use by public protection and disaster relief operations as well as cross border radio use and frequency plans as needed. I will put this on the agenda for our next call. Please review and indicate your interest in this topic area either by reply to this email or on our call June 18. Thank you, Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS EM-TC From: Buonomo, Sergio Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 10:16 AM To: '
adrian.scrase@etsi.org '; '
3GPPLiaison@etsi.org '; '
nakamurata@nttdocomo.co.jp '; '
vmitchell@tiaonline.org '; '
gurssr@apco911.org '; '
apco@apco911.org '; '
ajamieson@ava.co.nz '; '
y-ohmura@arib.or.jp '; '
don.zelmer@att.com '; '
john.lewis@ties.itu.int '; '
EGawora@cdg.org '; '
adrian.scrase@etsi.org '; '
michael.sharpe@etsi.org '; '
michael.sharpe@etsi.org '; '
gabrielle.owen@agentschaptelecom.nl '; '
warren.systems@clara.co.uk '; '
rercole@gsm.org '; '
freqmgr@ieee.org '; '
MJLynch@mjlallc.com '; '
ejones@warningsystems.com '; '
cblum@tiaonline.org '; '
Jane.Brownley@alcatel-lucent.com '; '
Orlett.Pearson@alcatel-lucent.com '; '
joblak@efjohnson.com '; '
alan.wilson@harris.com '; '
knk@tta.or.kr '; '
info@umts-forum.org '; '
wget-secretariat@un.org '; '
jayne.stancavage@intel.com ' Cc: Jose Costa (
jose.costa@ericsson.com ); Mostyn-Jones, Elizabeth Subject: Liaison Statement on: Technologies for Public Protection and Disaster Relief Communications associated with work on WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.3 To: 3GPP, 3GPP RAN, 3GPP2, APCO, APT Preparatory Group (APG) , ARIB, ATIS, AWG, CDG, ETSI, ETSI SC EMTEL, ETSI TC ERM, ETSI TC TETRA, GSMA, IEEE, OASIS, TIA, TIA TR-45, TIA TR-45.5, TIA TR-8, TIA TR-8.8, TTA, UMTS Forum, WGET, and WiMAX Forum Dear Sir/Madam, Please find attached a Liaison statement from ITU-R Working Party 5A entitled: “Technologies for Public Protection and Disaster Relief Communications associated with work on WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.3”. This Liaison Statement will also be included in Annex 2 of the WP 5A Chairman’s Report (Document 5A/306) that can be found at (
http://www.itu.int/md/R12-WP5A-C-0306/en ). Yours Sincerely, Sergio Buonomo Counselor Study Group 5 Radiocommunication Bureau e-mail :
Sergio.Buonomo@itu.int Phone : +41 22 730 6229 International Telecommunication Union Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland