Hi Folks,
Just so y'all know, MITRE will be getting into
this now that they're as an FFRDC for DHS CIO
office/department. I just gave a brief overview
of the fact that OASIS EDXL scope is
international unless specifically identified as a
national effort, e.g. CAP-IPAWS Profile, while
NIEM is national in scope and UCORE is
national-governmental in scope.
In case I didn't repeat the "s" word enough, the
overlaps for interoperability need to be
addressed in terms of scope. I don't think that
aligning or harmonizing various EDXL
vocabularies/datamodels with NIEM necessarily
involves subordinating or attempting to contain
EDXL within NIEM, but since I don't work with
this day in day out, I'll let those who do
explain where the rough patches occur.
I'm confident that with sufficient open
communication, we can get these various efforts
working together.
At 9:06 AM -0400 7/14/09, Timothy Grapes wrote:
>Actually this could be headed in the direction
>of a true interoperability issue. It appears
>that you do not see the value of keeping HAVE
>and other EDXL standards (and perhaps the many
>other standards out there) as separate, approved
> external standards in the NIEM world. This is
>absolutely essential - attempting to force all
>of EDXL and other standards into NIEM will only
>cause difficulty for BOTH sets of efforts.
> There are many examples and arguments that may
>be cited.
>Using adapters for NIEM to connect to the
>approved standard plus providing NIEM access to
>an emergency management data dictionary makes
>sense and adds value, but attempting to
>"integrate" EDXL into NIEM will get in the way
>of real usability in the long run.
>Tim Grapes
>"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt"
>- Henry J. Kaiser
>From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
>Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 5:18 PM
>To: Timothy Grapes
>Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Lee Tincher'
>Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1 dictionary alignment?
>Good news however is that I received a response
>from Donna Roy on the LinkedIn NIEm focus group
>- saying that 2.1 should address gaps in domains
>- and that beta will be available for review.
>So I'm feeling more relaxed about this - and
>look forward to reviewing when available.
> Obviously I'll let our team here know as soon
>as I hear anything in that regard.
>Thanks, DW
Original Message --------
>Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1 dictionary alignment?
>From: "Timothy Grapes"