OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Re: Updated schemas from gefeg

  • 1.  Re: Updated schemas from gefeg

    Posted 04-27-2004 19:38
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: Updated schemas from gefeg

    Hello UBL TC,
    I have installed the revised schemas described below in the build
    image at
    and performed a link check and a quick validation check of the
    example instances.
    Since this revision simply updates the GEFEG generator to align
    with the spreadsheets already included in the package and appears
    to leave the schemas functionally unchanged except for correcting
    a documentation bug I introduced in the last round of manual
    edits, I think that its inclusion can be considered to fall within
    the "editorial changes" allowed by the current CD ballot.  If
    anyone disagrees with this interpretation, please let me know as
    soon as possible.  Otherwise, I will include the regenerated
    schemas in the editorial revisions (not made yet) needed to
    publish 1.0 as a CD.
       From: "David Kruppke" <dill2@gefeg.com>
       Cc: <ubl@lists.oasis-open.org>, "Michael Dill" <dill@gefeg.com>
       Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 14:38:05 +0200
       thank you for updating me.
       I implemented the following changes in our schema generator:
       - "specialised" into "specialized"
       - "contextualisation" into "contextualization"
       - Document Type "CommonBasicComponents" in
       "UBL-CommonBasicComponents-1.0.xsd" instead of "CommentAggregatComponents"
       - root element annotation/documentation inserted
       - EDIFIX is know able to create 2 kinds of schemas: full and stripped (no
       I compared our output to the schemas in
       http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/6521/wd-UBL-1.0.zip and I
       found a bug in these files:
       The handmade root element annotation/documentation is in all maindocs at the
       wrong place. It should be at the root element, but it is at the type for the
       root element.
       Please find 2 archives in the attachement. "final.zip" contains the full
       schemas, "final_runtime.zip" contains the stripped ones.
       Actually GEFEGs stripped schemas are a little bit nicer than the originals,
       because they use the short form for empty elements ("<xsd:element ref"..."
       \> instead of "<xsd:element ref"..." ></xsd:element>") and for enumerations.
       Best regards

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