* roll call
Robert Weir, IBM
Patrick Durusau
David A. Wheeler
Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
Svante Schubert, Sun Microsystems
Oliver Wittmann, Sun Microsystems
* previous minutes
The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes from the last
* Action Items
All: review metadata example
- done - discuss today
DavidW, Oliver: collect use cases for nested tables that get "merged"
with surrounding table.
- interesting use case -> Sudoku 3x3 table with 9 3x3 subtables
Lars: research if/how merged tables are handled in HTML and XSL-FO
- Not explicitly supported in HTML/CSS (nested tables work, but there
is no easy way of merging them visually)
DavidF: follow up on chart-label auto-position
- pending
Michael: follow up on integer/float issue in svg attributes
- pending
* roadmap
Florian asked for time-line to submit further proposals
Feature freeze end of July
Formula is separate document and can be referenced from main spec
Formula is feature complete and can meet the deadline
Metadata is feature complete
Integration of metadata into main specification must be done during July
Feature freeze excludes editorial modifications that occur when the
Frozen proposals are worked into the specification
* metadata:
RESOLUTION: the TC accepts the metadata proposal subject to its
integration into the main specification body
-> metadata SC to update proposal on integration with main specification
based on received feedback.
Discussion on xml:id... attendees in favor of using 'should' requirement
for preservation of xml:id.
* general discussion on conformance---
main points:
- we specify document format, not application behavior
- we can give guidelines on what 'should' be done with certain content
(see A11Y)
- addressing the issue of how conformance is specified needs more discussion
- are there different classes of conforming applications that have
different requirements? what are those classes
Sun Microsystems Lars Oppermann