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Subject: Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 29 September 2003
Doug Alberg <>, Boeing
Michael Brauer <>, Sun Microsystems
Patrick Durusau <>, Society of Biblical Literature
Gary Edwards <>
David Faure <>
Paul Grosso <>, Arbortext
Uche Ogbuji <>
Daniel Vogelheim <>, Sun Microsystems
Acceptance of Minutes of the September, the 22th meeting
- The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes.
Action Items
- (Phil Boutros: create proposal for unifying change tracking in text
and table documents)
- in progress
- Daniel Vogelheim, (Paul Langille): proposal for business charts
- in progress
- Michael Brauer: Proposal/E-Mail voting for automatic writing mode
- done, see
- Michael Brauer: Proposal/E-Mail voting for underlining/crossing-out.
- done, see
Discussion of Work Package 5.3 Style Properties
The TC discussed table formatting properties as described in section
4.18 of the XML specification.
The TC clarified the the meaning of the "style:may-break-between-rows"
attribute: If the attribute's value is false, a table is moved to the
next page if there is not enough space left on the current page to
display the whole table.
The TC further clarified that cell styles may contain paragraph and text
attributes. This means that the <style:style> element for cell styles
may contain a <style:paragraph-properties> and a <style:text-properties>
element in addition to the <style:cell-properties> element.
The TC unanimously agreed that the <table:table-cell> elements for empty
table cells are allowed to be empty, that is, don't have to contain at
least a <test:p> element as specified in the
specification. The TC further discussed whether empty rows should be
allowed as well, and what the behavior is if table rows contain a
different number of cells. Daniel Vogelheim will further clarify this
and prepare a proposal.
The TC further discussed to enhance the specification by table styles
that include table cell formatting properties. This could be especially
useful for borders or background colors. The idea behind this is to
specify a table style that for instance assigns outer and inner borders
to a table where the outer and inner borders might be different. Another
example would be to assign a certain background color to all header
cell. Because borders and background are cell properties, the enhanced
table style has to provide the opportunity to assign different
formatting properties to different table cells. The TC also discussed
whether an enhanced table style could make use of row and column groups
and whether XSL-FO and HTML support to specify borders based on row and
column groups.
David Faure will prepare a proposal for an enhanced table style. Paul
Grosso will check whether grouping of table rows and columns can be used
in XSL-FO to specify borders. Michael Brauer will check why the current
content model of table row and column groups allows nested groups.
New Action Items
- Daniel Vogelheim: Clarification/Proposal regarding different number s
of cells in table rows.
- David-Faure: Proposal regarding enhanced table styles that support
cell formatting properties.
- Paul Grosso: Clarify whether XSL-FO supports table border
specifications based on row and column groups.
- Michael Brauer: Clarify why the specification supports
nested row and column groups.
Michael Brauer
OASIS Open Office XML format TC chair
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