Re: [emergency-cap] Re: wd04

  • 1.  Re: [emergency-cap] Re: wd04

    Posted 10-11-2021 16:57
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    Norm, I didn't touch the TC Front Matter. I'm not sure about that so I am including Chet for the question of changing copyright notice to 2021. Chet, could you also advise us on the matter of keeping a version of the document with all markup left in for the purpose of having a redline supporting a change log that will largely be links to the changes documented in Jira where each issue also includes the date of the meeting notes where the changes are minuted. Norm, I will add a revision with new TOC, replacing existing document in the SC Committee Notes folder. I should probably wait until you've done your comparison, or do you want the revision with the updated TOC uploaded before you do the comparison? I left the markup in so changes can be checked more easily than it is with a revision that has accepted all changes for a clean copy. I will do that before submitting the whole package to TC Admin requesting publication after the TC votes positively (we hope) to approve the Event Terms List. Elysa, should we ask for expedited TC Admin processing so that we have the TC final and the TC Admin final document? Cheers, Rex On 10/11/2021 9:18 AM, Paulsen,Norm (ECCC) wrote: Rex   The copyright notice still says 2020. Is that correct?   The table of contents is not up to date.   The document is marked with all the changes? Was it supposed to be?   I will do a look through and comparison in the morning.   Norm     From: emergency-cap@lists.oasis-open.org <emergency-cap@lists.oasis-open.org> On Behalf Of Rex Brooks Sent: October 8, 2021 10:35 PM To: Paulsen,Norm (ECCC) <Norm.Paulsen@ec.gc.ca> ; emergency-cap@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [emergency-cap] Re: wd04   Norm, I note that I completed the changes inline below with --Done except for the second Line 369   which I believe was just a transposition for Line 396 where I made the change. Rather than make a new working draft, I replaced the existing version with a new revision without a new filename. I will continue this for any further changes. Cheers, Rex On 10/8/2021 6:29 PM, Paulsen,Norm (ECCC) wrote: Rex   In wd04   Line 352 – the word ”an” should be “the” --Done Line 353 – should be… (i.e. a “wind” event leading to a “wind” alert) --Done Line 367 – missing the word “all”, should be…all associated to a “tropical storm” event. --Done Line 368 – two spaces at the end of the line --Done Line 369 – two spaces after… However --Done Line 369 – should be… “smoke” event  (took a bit of looking, but I think this should be Line 396) --Done Line 403 – missing comma after the word “both” --Done Line 404 – The word Practices should start a new paragraph --Done   An extra entry in Appendix B... OET-144 Heavy Rain --Done and the code was automatically corrected 1.        Not sure how that got inserted in there. Its not even alphabetical so something seems wrong.   Norm Paulsen Data Architecture and Standards Architecture des données et des normes Forecast Systems Integration & Inno vation Intégration et innovation du système de prévisions Meteorological Service of Canada Service météorologique du Canada ECCC 4905 Dufferin St. Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T4 Tel:  416 739-4190 Email: norm.paulsen@ec.gc.ca         Virus-free. www.avast.com