OASIS Emergency Management TC

FW: Updated EDXL Comments spreadsheet

  • 1.  FW: Updated EDXL Comments spreadsheet

    Posted 11-29-2005 17:43
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: FW: Updated EDXL Comments spreadsheet



    This is what Tom sent out.


    David E. Ellis

    Information Management Architect

    (505) 844-6697


    From: Tom Merkle [mailto:TMerkle@capwin.org]
    Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 11:48 AM
    To: Elysa Jones; Ellis, David; Art Botterell; hamg@battelle.org; michellearaymond@gmail.com; Rex Brooks; Julia Ridgely; tgrapes@evolutiontechinc.com
    Subject: Updated EDXL Comments spreadsheet


    Here's the final from today's marathon meeting. Please review the resolution sections carefully.




    Tom Merkle


    CapWIN:        www.capwin.org

    Phone:          (301) 614-3720

    Cell Phone:   (240) 375-1966

    Fax:               (301) 614-0581

    e-mail:           tmerkle@capwin.org



    6305 Ivy Lane Suite 300

    Capital Office Park

    Greenbelt, MD 20770


    EDXL_DE_Issues_11-07-05 Rev 01.xls

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