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Subject: Re: [emergency] Agenda: 8/26 Call
Allen -
I reposted the CAP spec with your requested edits the same day (the
13th)... and at the time the upload seemed to have worked... but
maybe it fell afoul of the Kavi maintenance somehow.
Anyway, I just posted it again:
However... when the TC voted on this a couple of weeks ago, didn't we
agree not to trigger the public comment period until after we'd
agreed on our process for handling feedback? Perhaps I misunderstood
that bit.
- Art
At 9:21 AM -0400 8/26/03, Allen Wyke wrote:
>Ok gang, here are the outstanding action items that I have records of to
>talk about today. As a side note, I will be on a plane up until just
>before the meeting, so there is a chance, if the flight experiences any
>delays, that I will be running a little late. If Rick or Cathy could
>help facilitate the meeting if I am late, that would be great. Sorry for
>the late notice - the trip was planned at the last minute.
>1. Report from each of the SCs
>2. Committee Spec: update on when the final PDF will come out. Needed to
>make a minor wording adjustment from the original one that came out
>Once that has been done, I can notify OASIS and the formal public review
>can start.
>3. Arrange Tests Update (action item from
>Update from those involved in the test (see document attached to
>Also discuss how to best handle our on internal tests along with the
>Global Homeland Security Conference
>Two different? One in the same? Who is coordinating each/both? Also need
>to notify OASIS if we are "presenting" their standard vs. "showing" a
>working example of it.
>4. Figure Out Feedback Process (action item from
> a
>meeting has been arranged for Thursday between the Chair's a couple of
>people at OASIS. One of the items that will be discussed is, in their
>minds and experience, the best way to handle public and internal
>feedback. After that meeting we should be able to make a final decision.
>R. Allen Wyke
>Chair, Emergency Management TC
>You may leave a Technical Committee at any time by visiting
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