OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Re: [ubl] Specialised vs. specialized

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Specialised vs. specialized

    Posted 04-15-2004 03:40
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Specialised vs. specialized

    Almost all.  I noticed in our 'Symbols and Abbreviations' section for 
    ISO we used both spellings - 'Organisation' is spelled with an 's', 
    while 'Standardization'  is spelled with a 'z'.  On the ISO site they 
    spell their name with a  'z' for both.
    Tim McGrath wrote:
    > my New Oxford Dictionary of English  also gives preference to the 
    > "ize" spelling.  so the academics think we should use "ize".
    > but i did a quick search of the English Daily Telegraph newspaper and 
    > found..
    > specialise in 178 articles
    > specialize in none
    > customise in 383 articles
    > customize in none.
    > - so we have common usage indicator that is different.
    > i suspect this will apply to most "ize" versus "ise" spellings - so 
    > lets leave it as is (using "ise" in all cases)
    > jon.bosak@sun.com wrote:
    >> [jon.bosak@sun.com:]
    >> | Unless someone can find me a British authority of equal weight to
    >> | the contrary (and no, I don't count something like Chambers as
    >> | equal to the OED), I'm going to have to change this.
    >> I just found an authority of equal weight: the Compact OED, which
    >> lists "specialised" as an acceptable alternative.  Not preferred,
    >> mind you, but OK.
    >> So I'll let our UBL TC members representing the British
    >> Commonwealth call it: what shall it be, Specialised or
    >> Specialized?  Deadline for replies is noon San Francisco time
    >> tomorrow (Thursday), 'cause that's when I start the next build.
    >> Jon
    >>   Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 17:48:55 -0700 (PDT)
    >>   From: jon.bosak@sun.com
    >>   Folks,
    >>   I've just made a truly sad discovery: a usage I thought was
    >>   preferred British is not.  We decided a while ago to use Oxford
    >>   English, and that means the Oxford English Dictionary.  I thought
    >>   up till now that Oxford English meant "specialised" rather than
    >>   "specialized."  But on checking I have just discovered that not
    >>   only does the OED prefer "ize" to "ise" *in general*, but it does
    >>   not even have an entry for "specialised."  And if it ain't in the
    >>   OED, it ain't English no matter where you live.  (The form with
    >>   the s does appear in some of the historical citations, but unlike
    >>   "despatch," it doesn't rate a listing as a recognized alternative.
    >>   Same with "customise," which doesn't even appear in citations.)
    >>   Unless someone can find me a British authority of equal weight to
    >>   the contrary (and no, I don't count something like Chambers as
    >>   equal to the OED), I'm going to have to change this.
    >>   Fortunately this will be a fairly straightforward task in the
    >>   master document text, the file names, and the schemas, and I'm up
    >>   to doing it for the build due out Friday night.  But it will
    >>   also require changes in the following two illustrations, for which
    >>   I do not have the original art:
    >>      Figure 2
    >>      Figure B-5
    >>   Jon
    >> To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster 
    >> of the OASIS TC), go to 
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