Hello TC members, As a new year's resolution, I resolve to make 2011 a year of progress and action toward our goal of passing XLIFF 2.0. Toward that end, I propose the following new format for our meetings. I'd like if if all of our discussions could fall into one of these categories: 1/ Roll call 2/ Approve Tuesday, DD Month YYYY meeting minutes: Accept, reject, or amend. (URL) 3/ Current XLIFF business 1. Item a. Subitem 4/ Sub Committee Reports 1. First SC a. Subitem 5/ XLIFF 2.0 1. Item a. Subitem 6/ Charter The current charter is here: (
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/charter.php ) 10/ New Business In order to get the XLIFF community a specification that serves them well, in a reasonable timeframe, I would try very diligently to give items 1 thru 4 the energy they need, but limit the meeting time spent discussing them to a maximum of 30 minutes (hopefully not often needing the full 30 minutes). Then, at half-past-the-hour (hopefully sooner), unless we have a compelling reason to the contrary, I would move to item 5. I will parse our current items to fit into the new format. And going forward, on any new email thread started on the list, I will ask members please explicitly indicate if they want the thread added to the meeting agenda (in which case it would take the next available place under its appropriate root item), or if it is an 'information only' item. Thanks, Bryan