OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  emergency-tep subcommittee

    Posted 12-01-2010 16:20
    The mail archive has been activated so it's now okay to go ahead and join the group!
    Sorry for the delay.

  • 2.  RE: [emergency] emergency-TEP subcommittee

    Posted 12-01-2010 22:19


    As Mary indicates, the EDXL-Tracking of Emergency Patients (TEP) sub-committee has been created under the Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC).  If interested in participating please navigate to the OASIS EM-TC page, and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to “subgroups” and select the TEP SC to join.


    Tim Grapes



    From: Mary McRae [mailto:mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 11:20 AM
    To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency] emergency-tep subcommittee

    The mail archive has been activated so it's now okay to go ahead and join the group!

    Sorry for the delay.


    To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:

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    Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 426/3291 - Release Date: 12/01/10

  • 3.  RE: [emergency] emergency-TEP subcommittee

    Posted 12-02-2010 00:02


    We have great representation for GeoWeb 2011 – Smart World Applications from Air Traffic Management, from Business and Consumer, from Smart Grids and Utilities, Urban Infrastructure and Transportation – but we are still looking for a visible leader for Public Safety and Security.  Surely there are such people?  Surely there are people that see Public Safety and Security as a System of Systems problem – linking diverse applications across a diverse and distributed community?  If you know of any such persons, I would LOVE to hear from you.



    Ron Lake

    CEO and Chairman

    Galdos Systems Inc


    From: Timothy Grapes [mailto:tgrapes@evotecinc.com]
    Sent: December-01-10 2:18 PM
    To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Cc: 'Mary McRae'
    Subject: RE: [emergency] emergency-TEP subcommittee


    As Mary indicates, the EDXL-Tracking of Emergency Patients (TEP) sub-committee has been created under the Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC).  If interested in participating please navigate to the OASIS EM-TC page, and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to “subgroups” and select the TEP SC to join.


    Tim Grapes



    From: Mary McRae [mailto:mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 11:20 AM
    To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency] emergency-tep subcommittee

    The mail archive has been activated so it's now okay to go ahead and join the group!

    Sorry for the delay.


    To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:

    No virus found in this message.
    Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
    Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 426/3291 - Release Date: 12/01/10