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Subject: Re: [docbook-tc] DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda: 16 June2004
Do we have the right call in # here? I've been on hold for about 8
Bob Stayton wrote:
>DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda: 16 June 2004
>The DocBook Technical Committee will meet on Wednesday, 16 June 2004 at
>05:00p EDT (02:00p PDT, 21:00GMT, 22:00BST, 23:00CEST, 06:00JST+,
>02:30a India+) for 90 minutes.
>The teleconference phone number is +1.865.524.6352. The participant
>code is 7386368. Attendance at teleconferences is restricted to members
>(and prospective members) of the committee.
>1. Roll call
>2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting
>3. Next meeting: 21 July 2004.
>4. Review of the agenda.
>5. Review of open action items
> a. Mike to provide a better proposal for choicelist markup.
> b. Mike to reconsider the annotation problem and post his thoughts.
> c. Norm to publish flattened version of the 4.3 XML DTD.
> d. Norm to produce a draft spec of 5.0.
> e. Norm to ask Karl about creating stable OASIS URIs.
> f. Dick to determine if RFE 541444 "caption in
> mediaobjectco" is closed.
> g. Larry to look into section 508 accessibility issues
> with DocBook elements.
> h. Norm to contact Dave Pawson about accessibility issues.
> i. Adam to ask the submitter for more information.
> about 950206 Nested bibliodivs
> j. Norm to create official releases for Simplified DocBook 1.1,
> MathML, and others that are dependent on DocBook 4.3.
>6. DTD version 4.4 beta
>7. html:form should be available in more places
> than in %divcomponent.mix; [2] [3]
>8. SGML 4.3 tweaks
> Two complaints against SGML DTD 4.3. [4]
>9. floatstyle attribute status:
> In November 2002 we voted to add a new floatstyle CDATA
> attribute to the four formal elements. [5]
> In September 2003 we confirmed that floatstyle should be
> added to the four formal elements in 4.3. [6]
> In October 2003 we voted to abandon the new floatstyle
> attribute on formal items, add a float attribute to
> example, equation, and table with CDATA type #IMPLIED,
> and change the float attribute on figure to CDATA leaving
> the default value of 0 for now and changing it to #IMPLIED
> in 5.0. [7]
> But floatstyle got into 4.3 on the four formal elements,
> so should this be revisited yet again?
>10. Request for canonical URIs for Docbook DTDs. [8]
> (carried forward from last month)
>11. RFE 955428: Add wordsize effectivity attribute
> Sun and HP have found a need for a separate effectivity
> attribute to indicate computer processor word size.
> Most felt this was within the docbook domain, but there
> was concern about adding yet another global attribute,
> and if it was too specialized. There was also a desire
> for a better name.
>12. alt text for accessibility.
> Reports from action items?
>13. Review of Requests for Enhancement
> To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):
> group_id=21935&atid=384107&aid=XXXX
> 950206 Nested bibliodivs
> 958393 remove default class value from productname
> 971095 Allow <authorgroup> anywhere <author> is allowed
> The following RFEs are awaiting action items
> 413389 Enhance METHODNAME and VARNAME (Norm, generic linking)
> 431411 RFE 70: add generic linking capability (Norm)
> 522552 Add title attribute to <ulink> element (Mike, annotations)
> 541444 caption in mediaobjectco (closed?) (Dick)
> 565637 Associate non-inline image with link (Norm, generic linking)
> 574880 Add annotation element (Mike)
> 623524 (Re)Consider "choicelist" markup (Mike)
> The following RFEs are identified as V6.0 or later
> 531851 Remove inline person name elements
> 532088 Remove RevHistory from qandaentry
>- ---
>Bob Stayton
>Sagehill Enterprises
>DocBook Consulting
>To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to
Scott Hudson Content Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Intellectual Capital Engineering
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