OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Re: [office] Introduction to David A. Wheeler

  • 1.  Re: [office] Introduction to David A. Wheeler

    Posted 01-09-2006 12:33
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Introduction to David A. Wheeler

    Gary, all,
    Gary Edwards wrote On 01/09/06 08:56,:
    > Hi OASIS ODF TC,
    > I would like to welcome David A. Wheeler to the OASIS ODF TC.  He will 
    > be joining Bruce D'Arcus, Claus Agerskov, Patrick Durusau and myself, 
    > representing the OpenDocument Foundation, Inc.   David is a founding 
    > member of the OpenDocument Fellowship, and has written some of the most 
    > pivotal examinations comparing ODF, MSXML and the future of 
    > collaborative computing.  He has a Wikipedia 
    > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_A._Wheeler> page describing much of 
    > his background and interests, a personal web site 
    > <http://www.dwheeler.com/>, and  somehow manages to maintain the 
    > incredibly comprehensive and most definitive ODF Wikipedia 
    > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument> page. 
    > And yes, this the same David A. Wheeler who first proposed and took on 
    > the challenging task of leading the OpenFormula Project 
    > <http://opendormula.org/>. 
    > Michael has assured us that at some point in the future, when the TC has 
    > cleared off some of the current action items, the OpenFormula issue will 
    > make it to the agenda for discussion.  In the meantime i would ask 
    Please allow me to privide a clarification here: What I assured to Gary is 
    that I will put the OpenDocument formula specification topic on the agenda. I 
    did not make any assumption whether OpenDocument formulas will be based on 
    the OpenFormula project. The OpenDocument TC will have to discuss and agree 
    whether it starts a formula specification from scratch, or based on a 
    contribution that it receives. Using the OpenFormula specification, if it 
    submitted to the TC, as basis therefore is only one of several options.
    At the OpenDocument summit in Amonk it has been proposed that we create a 
    formula sub committee, so the TC may want to start its work on formulas by 
    creating such a sub committee.
    > anyone who is interested to check out the project wiki site 
    > <http://openformula.org/>, see for yourself how far OpenFormula has 
    > come, and perhaps even jump in and contribute :)
    > ~ge~
    Best regards

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