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Subject: CLSC analysis of code list rules in NDR document
We've just completed our CLSC weekly meeting and we've analyzed the code
list rules in the 20040414 NDR document cited here:
Re: CDLXXX: The xsd:schemaLocation MUST include the complete URI used to
identify the relevant code list schema.
- we think this is not a specific code-list issue and that this issue
is a global UBL issue and is being addressed by packaging
- we observe that complete *relative* URI string values are used for
xsd:schemaLocation and not complete *absolute* URI string values
We observed that there is no "CDL4" rule and wondered if anything fell
through the cracks.
Eagle-eyed Marty has discovered in the schema fragments that not all UBL
information items whose values should be coming from code lists are in fact
coming from code lists. This is not a code list committee responsibility
(we think it is a Library Content issue) but we wondered aloud if there
ever was an NDR rule that stated "All information items whose values are
coded must come from code lists".
Just one example that Marty quickly found is in
UBL-UnspecialisedDatatypes-1.0.xsd where the first element declared is
AmountType. The attribute amountCurrencyID is declared for this element
but that attribute's type is not derived from CurrencyCodeContentType found
in UBL-CodeList-CurrencyCode-1.0.xsd ... we thought that it should be but
not being part of Library Content we were not sure if there was a conscious
decision not to do so.
Are there other constructs that would need to be fixed?
But, back to the original premise ... we believe as a committee that CLSC
is covering in our document the NDR rules related to code lists.
............... Ken
Public courses: Spring 2004 world tour of hands-on XSL instruction
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G. Ken Holman
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
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