Dear all Please find below the agenda for the Atlantic call, December 5, 2018 at 1700 CET: 2) SMP 2.0 Public Review comments and new working draft Working draft of complete comment resolution log uploaded here: New working draft (04) uploaded here: Pending items: Overview of changes from version 1 to version 2 (Kenneth) Section 3.7.1: include 2nd identifier scheme for services (Erlend) Update schema to reflect changes made to Certificate class (Ken or Kenneth) Alert/comment in section 3.3 regarding the use of slash and backslash characters in identifiers (Sander) 3) 2019 conference call schedule See: 4) Any other business CALL INFO: Meeting ID: 547 975 473 Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,,547975473# or +16465588656,,547975473# Or Telephone: