Not that I could find. It’s “##any”
in the latest document and schema.
Patti Iles Aymond, PhD
Preparedness & Response
Innovative Emergency Management, Inc.
Managing Risk in a Complex World
8555 United Plaza Blvd. Suite 100
Rouge, LA 70809
952-8228 (phone)
952-8122 (fax)
From: Ellis, David
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006
11:21 AM
To: Aymond, Patti; Mark Carlson -
Conneva, Inc.
Cc: Emergency_Mgt_TC TC
Subject: RE: [emergency] RE:
Question on EDXL-DE schema
Patti /Mark
Did we specify “any##” in the
current documentation? The schema values should be ##any and every place
I have looked it is correct. Was there an typographical error in version
7 of the schema?
David E. Ellis
Information Management Architect
(505) 844-6697
From: Aymond, Patti
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006
9:18 AM
To: Mark Carlson - Conneva, Inc.
Cc: Emergency_Mgt_TC TC
Subject: [emergency] RE: Question
on EDXL-DE schema
I am no schema expert, but I did not have any
problems getting the EDXL-DE to validate in tools that I have (XML Spy is not
one of them). Maybe someone on the TC can offer some suggestions for you.
Welcome to the TC.
Patti Iles Aymond, PhD
Preparedness & Response
Innovative Emergency Management, Inc.
Managing Risk in a Complex World
8555 United Plaza Blvd. Suite 100
Rouge, LA 70809
952-8228 (phone)
952-8122 (fax)
From: Mark Carlson -
Conneva, Inc. [mailto:conneva@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006
10:34 AM
To: Aymond, Patti
Subject: Question on EDXL-DE
I'm a new TC member and am taking my first look at the various
documents and schemas. When I open version 7 of the EDXL-DE schema in XML
Spy, I receive an error stating that
The content model contains the elements <element
name="nonXMLContent"> and <any namespace="any##">
which can not be uniquely determined.
When I remove the "<any namespace="any##"> or
change it to <any
namespace="local##"> the schema validates
I understand that this change was introduced recently to support XML
signatures. Do I have something setup incorrectly in XML Spy or is there
something else we need to do to the schema to make it valid.