OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  Conference Call

    Posted 05-14-2001 19:06
    The conference call info has been posted to
    Tel: 512-225-3050 Access Code: 56892
    Please be on-time 11AM EST (GMT-5). For this call we have a hard limit of
    one hour. I have set the number of callers at 40, which is 6 more than the
    total of confirmed members + probationary members. I will be monitoring
    e-mail during the call, so send me a message if you have trouble getting
    I look forward to "meeting" all of you then.
    Simon Y. Blackwell 
    Psoom, Inc. 
    Voice & Fax: 415-762-9787