OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  chunk attribute special meeting

    Posted 01-23-2007 16:38

    If you're interested in working on a resolution for the chunk attribute design question in today's TC meeting (what should the default be, how to communicate different defaults between systems?) let me know, and let me know when you're available this week for a call.


    Michael Priestley
    IBM DITA Architect and Classification Schema PDT Lead

  • 2.  Conref range - special meeting

    Posted 09-25-2007 14:54
    If you're interested in working on a resolution for the conref range
    design issues (singleton vs paired design and expected processing chain
    for filtering/specialization/generalization), please let me know, and
    let me know when you're available this week for a call. 
    An updated proposal will be put in the documents area following today's
    TC call.  Thanks to Deborah Pickett for her useful feedback. 
    Yas Etessam
    XML Consultant