877 204-8750
706 679-5113
Code 4806272648
[This CPPA meeting is open to interested Messaging participants to
discuss issue 3 below.]
1. Announcements.
2. Subteam Reports
3. BPSS Integration Issues (see earlier message)
But add on the following:
The dependencies in CPPA negotiation are very simple:
> 1. Our negotiation protocol is expressed as a BPSS instance document.
> I guess that means that every line of XML in the BPSS instance has a
> dependency. that's 300 or 400 dependencies :-)
> 2. The NCPA is a CPA and has all the same dependencies as CPPA since
> the current NCPA uses just about everything in the CPPA spec.
> Simplifying the NCPA might reduce the number of dependencies but that
> doesn't matter much since our protocol definition is totally dependent
> on BPSS (item 1).
Also, it has been reported that BPSS voting members currently are
proposing a single goal for BPSS
"the BPSS is an XML transcription of the UMM meta model, except
for those potential elements that were included in the 1.05 version
candidate that did not have issues identified against them."
4. Pending