OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

Re: [xacml] Principals in Applicability - was RE: [xacml] Version 0.7

  • 1.  Re: [xacml] Principals in Applicability - was RE: [xacml] Version 0.7

    Posted 12-03-2001 20:30
    having personally struggled with the general usage of the term 'target' 
    in the past, i too am comfortable with the concept of 'Target Values' 
    and 'Target Mapping' as defined by hal's previous note.
    i also agree with tim's assertion that policies should map to fully 
    qualified namespaces. i think that this will be necessary to maintain 
    any hopes of interoperability.
    Tim Moses wrote:
    > Hal - I had promoted the term "applicability", not because I felt it was 
    > preferable to your proposed term: "target", but because we needed a term 
    > for this concept, and I did not understand that "target" was intended to 
    > serve exactly this purpose.  Personally, I would be happy to switch to 
    > "target".
    > I agree with the points you make in this message.
    > I was, however, thinking that (to pick up your very final point) XML 
    > documents, to which these policies control access, would have fully 
    > qualified namespaces to identify their type.  Then the policy (even if 
    > it is attached) would "target" that namespace.  This approach, of 
    > course, means that the policy applies uniformly to all instances of the 
    > type.  We should probably debate the use of the reserved word "this".
    > All the best.  Tim.