OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

Recommend withdrawing 13071: Include

  • 1.  Recommend withdrawing 13071: Include

    Posted 06-04-2013 14:25
    Following Chris Nitchie's litmus test, Can DITA 1.3 can get by without it even if the next version is several years out?, I recommend withdrawing Proposal 13071: Include <title> and other block-like elements in <imagemap> falls into the category. Sure, I would like to see more elements in imagemap for the sake of interesting specializations, but for DITA 1.3 to get done in time, we need to focus on what's crucial over what's nice to have. -- Don R. Day Co-Founder, ContelligenceGroup.com Co-Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee LinkedIn: donrday    Twitter: @donrday About.me: Don R. Day    Skype: don.r.day Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? --T.S. Eliot