OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  XML 2004

    Posted 09-23-2004 15:47
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: XML 2004

    Dear EM-TC folks,
    There will be an opportunity to demonstrate your CAP implementation in the 
    upcoming XML 2004 conference.  Details about the conference can be found at 
    http://www.xmlconference.org/xmlusa/.  The dates for the conference are Nov 
    15-19.  On Tues, Wed and Thurs of that week OASIS will have rooms available 
    for interoperability demonstrations.  The EM-TC is planning to do such a 
    demonstration of CAP.  Although the details of the scenario are yet to be 
    worked out, we need to firm up the date and time.  I am going to suggest 
    that we reserve a full day with set up being scheduled for morning and 
    demonstrations that afternoon.  I would like to hear from you if 1) you are 
    interested in participating and 2) If you have a preference for the day 
    (Tues, Wed, or Thurs).  You might want to look at the schedule of events 
    first.  Even if you let me know in the TC meeting that you would be 
    participating, please respond to this email.  I would like to hear from you 
    as soon as possible.
    Elysa Jones,
    Chair EM-TC

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