OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

Re: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.44]

  • 1.  Re: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.44]

    Posted 06-03-2002 15:58
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.44]

    A couple of requests/comments ahead of tomorrow's joint conference call.
    Request:  Can you either via an e-mail or during the call map the draft APIs to the various model APIs I sent in an
    e-mail a little over a week ago?  I don't yet understand how a number of them are reflected in the current proposal.
    a) Because of the WSRP container model, I continue to be in the camp that different entities in the same container
    will share a common session.  Your API doesn't support this.  It assumes each entity has a distinct session.  In my
    world view the createSession call is made without any entity handles.  And a sessionID is passed to all createEntity
    b) It seems a little strange (and harder for the developer to understand) for the producer to create transient
    entities as an operational side effect as the consumer defines/manages the scope of this entity.  Why do we need
    this?  Why not just leave the consumer in control?
    c) destroyEntity -- I think we need a way to destroy many entities in a single call.  We can do this either via a bulk
    operation (take a list of entities) or defining cascading deletes that operate on the entity hierarchy.
    c) We need a bulk copy operation.
    d) Can you clarify the semantics of the following action/get markup parameters:controllerURL, uniqueToken?
    Rich Thompson wrote:
    > Sorry about this duplication, but I just remembered that I had intended to
    > turn on line numbers so as to make the discussion easier (provided we all
    > use them to point at the area we are commenting on). Here is the version
    > with this turned on.
    > (See attached file: WSIA-WSRP Joint Spec Draft 0.44.doc)
    >                       Rich
    >                       Thompson/Watson/I        To:       wsia@lists.oasis-open.org, wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org
    >                       BM@IBMUS                 cc:
    >                                                Subject:  [wsrp][wsia][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces][Draft Spec 0.44]
    >                       05/30/2002 08:57
    >                       AM
    > As requested on Tuesday, here is a modified version of the Draft Spec that
    > reflects having orthogonal concepts of "sessions" and "entities" carried
    > throughout the API. Thomas has inserted a few initial comments from a WSRP
    > perspective (in particular, potential answers to some of the open questions
    > in the Note blocks).
    > (See attached file: WSIA-WSRP Joint Spec Draft 0.44.doc)
    > #### WSIA-WSRP Joint Spec Draft 0.44.doc has been removed from this note on
    > May 30 2002 by Rich Thompson
    >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >                                                  Name: WSIA-WSRP Joint Spec Draft 0.44.doc
    >    WSIA-WSRP Joint Spec Draft 0.44.doc           Type: WINWORD File (application/msword)
    >                                              Encoding: BASE64
    >                                       Download Status: Not downloaded with message

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