Will do! Thanks - Bob
From : Boris Schumperli [mailto:
Sent : Thursday, August 23, 2012 08:35 AM To : Griffin, Robert;
kmip@lists.oasis-open.org <
Subject : [kmip] RE: updated in-person and by-phone attendance list for KMIP face-to-face --- September 12-14 at NISt facility in Gaithersburg MD
Hi Bob, I will participate by phone, so please add my name to the list. Best regards, Boris Schumperli Cryptomathic Inc. From:
kmip@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
kmip@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Griffin, Robert Sent: 23 août 2012 07:02 To:
kmip@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [kmip] updated in-person and by-phone attendance list for KMIP face-to-face --- September 12-14 at NISt facility in Gaithersburg MD Hi €“ Here €™s an updated list of in-person attendees for the face-to-face: Kelley Burgin, NSA Robert Burns, Thales (tentative) Robert Griffin, EMC Tim Hudson, Cryptsoft (not US citizen) John Leiseboer, Quintessence Labs (not US citizen) Robert Lockhart, Thales Denis Pochuev, SafeNet Bruce Rich, IBM Saikat Saha, SafeNet (not US citizen) Magda Zdunkiewicz, Cryptsoft (not US citizen) If anyone else is planning to attend in person (or is on the list and not planning to attend), please let me know. Also, if anyone else on the list above is not a US citizen, please let me know. I €™d like to make sure we have quorum at least for the start of the F2F. So here €™s a list of those folks who I think are likely to be attending by phone, at least for the start of the face-to-face on Wednesday at 11 am EDT: Mike Allen, Symantec Gordon Arnold, IBM Mathias Bjorkvist, IBM Anne Bolgert, IBM John Clark, HP Tony Cox, Cryptsoft Stan Feather, HP Indra Fitzgerald, HP Judy Furlong, EMC Susan Gleason, Oracle Paul Grojean, individual Thomas Hardjono, MIT Kathy Kriese, Symantec Hal Lockhart, Oracle John Peck, IBM Ajai Puri, SafeNet Peter Reed, SafeNet Warren Robbins, Credant Subhash Sankuratripati, NetApp Kiran Thota, VMware Rod Wideman, Quantum Steve Wierenga, HP Krishna Yellepeddy, IBM Michael Yoder, Vormetric If you are planning to attend by phone and are not on the list -- or are on the list and not planning to attend by phone -- please let me know so that I can confirm we will have quorum. Thanks! Bob From: Griffin, Robert Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:55 PM To: '
kmip@lists.oasis-open.org' Subject: KMIP face-to-face --- September 12-14 at NISt facility in Gaithersburg MD Hi €“ The folks at NIST have allocated a room for us for our face-to-face €“ we €™re in the Portrait Room, directly across from the cafeteria in the NIST Administration Building, Clopper Road, Gaithersburg MD (
http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/maps/index.cfm ). Many thanks to Elaine and Kelley for their help in getting the room for us! NIST requires that all visitors register prior to the meeting; anyone who is not on the registration list that I will submit on 5-September will not be allowed into the facility. Here €™s a first cut at attendees, based on the straw poll we did: Kelley Burgin, NSA Robert Burns, Thales Judy Furlong, EMC Robert Griffin, EMC Tim Hudson, Cryptsoft Darren Learmonth, Thales John Leiseboer, Quintessence Labs Robert Lockhart, Thales Denis Pochuev, SafeNet Bruce Rich, IBM Magda Zdunkiewicz, Cryptsoft If you are on the list but will not be attending, or are not on the list and should be, please let me know. Also, please let me know if you are not a US citizen (the spreadsheet will require a bit of additional info from you in that case). We will have a conference phone for the meeting. But if you can possibly attend in person, please do so! Thanks! Bob No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG -
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