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Subject: Re: [ubl-sbsc] Changes required to UBL 1.0 SBS to go from prd(2)to cs
Hi Stephen
I will take on task number 9.
That will include to make use of the final path of ebBP's in the ebXML
CPPA building blocks (where CollaborationRole's reference the
PS: Will you send me again the latest ebBP definitions? Thanks.
On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 17:19 +0000, Stephen Green wrote:
> I belive the following is a list of the minimal changes that are needed
> to go from the second public review draft of the UBL 1.0 SBS
> (
> Changes required to cs draft following public review draft 2
> 1. Remove previous change log
> 2. Change ebBP example to include full path to subset definition file
> from:
> <Specification externalDocumentDefRef="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:xpath:Invoice-1.0:sbs-1.0"
> name="Invoice SBS" nameID="InvoiceSBS"
> location="../xpaths/xml/XPath/Invoice-XPath.xml"
> type="other" />
> to:
> <Specification externalDocumentDefRef="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:xpath:Invoice-1.0:sbs-1.0"
> name="Invoice SBS" nameID="InvoiceSBS"
> location="
> ml" type="other" />
> 3. Change ebBP definition instances as for 2. above
> 4. Change document identifier in top level index.html
> from:
> prd-UBL-1.0-SBS-2
> to:
> cs-UBL-1.0-SBS-1.0
> 5. Change top level directory name
> from:
> prd-UBL-1.0-SBS-2
> to:
> cs-UBL-1.0-SBS-1.0
> 6. Correct references in top level index.html
> from "ebCPPA 2.1"
> to "ebCPPA 2.0b"
> 7. Change uuid values in ebBP definition instances
> from:
> uuid="bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft..."
> to:
> uuid="bpid:urn:oasis:names:tc..."
> 8. Correct in four ebBP definition instances
> ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-with-simple-response-1.xml
> ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-sbs-order-with-complex-response-1.xml
> ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-with-simple-response-1.xml
> ebxmlbp-2.0.2_ubl-1-order-with-complex-response-1.xml
> from:
> uuid="...bpss-ubl-1-..."
> to:
> uuid="...bpss:ubl-1-..."
> 9. Update ebCPA instances according to items 7. and 8. above
> 10. Generate PDF of the index (possibly with a link to it in the
> XHTML index) from an index version with all external links
> (links other than to #...) made absolute so they they still work
> within the PDF file.
> I am making edits to a package which I could post if
> appropriate but I need to know if there are any of the above
> (or all) which I should leave to others. Any suggestions of
> what to name the package so that it does not appear to
> be the actual cs, until the latter is agreed?
> By the way, for some reason I get problems with one machine in viewing
> the index.html at so
> I wonder if there are errors in the XHTML which need correcting too.
> It would possible also to correct the XHTML of the ebCPA template html
> representation files if that were desirable. They are non-normative files.
> Many thanks
> All the best
> Stephen Green
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