Marlon - No discussion has occurred in the interop group on 2.1 support other than some notional ideas that might apply to 2.1 in future. This is partly because 2.0 is still not completed. Given how long it has taken us to get to this point I would be cautious over-committing to 2.1 until 2.0 is done. Please vote on all 2.0 interop documents. Part2 test document will be coming out for TC Ballot approval soon. That will help us get to 2.1 interop sooner. Secondly, until 2.1 is actually an approved CS standard then I would caution against 2.1 interop testing too much. As the TC has stated. Features can change from CSD to CSD version. Therefore building features in interop testing that have to then change will just frustrate and confuse what interop really means. Interop can *only* be certified on CS level products. Otherwise the STIXPreferred program will become a nightmare for both vendors and consumers of the certification badges to be meaningless. Allan Thomson CTO (+1-408-331-6646) LookingGlass Cyber Solutions < > ïOn 10/18/18, 5:15 PM, " on behalf of Taylor, Marlon" < on behalf of> wrote: Hi TC, Is there a plan to release an Interoperability Document for STIX/TAXII 2.1 CD01? Based on the sponsorship approach we started with STIX/TAXII 2.1 CSD01, we should have the requirements for generating an Interoperability document by April 2019 if not sooner (give or take time for finalizing editorial tweaks). Releasing an Interoperability Document for CSD01 seems like a natural next step and would encourage 2.1 adoption prior to the approval of a CS by providing official TC documentation to those in the global community willing to implement/integrate STIX/TAXII 2.1 during the CSD phases. Marlon Taylor Program Management Branch National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) U.S. Department of Homeland Security --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: