Submitted on Monday, April 22, 2019 - 20:54 Submitted by user: Submitted values are: Your name: David Lemire TC name: Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC email address: GitHub repository name: openc2-custom-aps Purpose statement: Providing a publicly available repository for Custom Actuator Profiles and Support collaborative development of OpenC2 Custom Actuator Profiles. Description: OpenC2 allows for actuator profiles other than those that are OASIS specifications. It allows for "extensions" by vendors or users. This repository enables interested parties who want to work collaboratively on Custom Actuator Profiles (CAP). The qualifier "custom" is used to distinguish between actuator profiles being drafted as OASIS Specifications and those "custom" profiles being developed as extensions to a specification (e.g., providing vendor-specific or user-specific options) or to support a particular technology that does not yet have a specification. The creation of OpenC2 actuator profile specifications is not necessarily a goal for this openc2-custom-aps repository, but the custom profiles in the repository may serve to inform the actuator profile subcommittee. Open source license: Apache License v 2.0 Maintainer(s): Danny Martinez // // GH user: dmg2 // G2, Inc. (a Huntington Ingalls company) Approval link: Notes: This repo was approved at the April 2019 TC meeting with the name openc2-cap. The OASIS TC Admin staff pointed out the potential confusion with the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Standard ( ). The OpenC2 TC leadership adjusted the name to avoid the collision. All of aspects of the Custom Actuator Profile open repository remain aligned with the motion approved by the TC. Please coordinate any issues with David Lemire, OpenC2 TC Secretary. The results of this submission may be viewed at: