As I stated in an earlier email, the TOSCA TC is expected to confirm (or change) its charter over the next 60 days. Our current Charter (updated and approved on Dec. 20, 2013) can be found here: As per OASIS policies, we are expected to do one of the following: 1) Reconfirming your charter Section 1.10 TC Vitality of the TC Process ( ) states: "... every 4 years from the date of the first meeting of the TC or the first meeting after a recharter, the TC must decide one on the following actions by Full Majority vote: - Continue the TC with its current charter; - Continue the TC through a charter clarification (Section 1.8); - Recharter the TC (Section 1.9); or - Close the TC." The purpose of section 1.10 is to "ensure the TC charter continues to align with the activities of the TC." Basically, it is an effort to encourage TCs to periodically consider whether the charter still reflects the work actually being done. I suspect that based on our current work with TOSCA v2.0, it might be appropriate to slightly clarify the current charter. When you have a chance, please send me any comments on the current charter as well as suggestions for improvements. I will try to incorporate them into an updated document that can be discussed during our Jan. 21 meeting. In addition, we are also expected to confirm/change the TC Chair: 2) Reappointing your Chair(s) Sect. 1.4 Chairs of the OASIS Committee Operations Process ( ) states: "Every two years a Committee must re-appoint its chair(s)." I am happy to continue as Chair of the TOSCA TC, but if there is anyone who might be interested in this role as well, then please send me an email to announce your candidacy. We plan to finalize this during our Jan. 21 meeting as well. Many thanks for your participation in the TOSCA TC. Chris