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Subject: EM TC Notifications Subcommitee 08-12-03 Meeting Minutes
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EM TC Notifications, Messaging and Methods Subcommittee
August 12, 2003 Meeting Minutes
Art Botterell
David Hall
Cathy M Subatch
Gary Ham
Jerry Weltman
Ory Warshenbrot
Jason Gilliam
Brian Pattinson
Tom Merkle
Meeting Minutes
CAP Specifications
- There was one last call for comments before the CAP spec is passed on to the TC. No additional comments from the group. Is closed for any new comments and the document to be passed to the TC.
- Spec is ready to write code against
- Gary � has relational database version of specs (is normalized into 22 tables)
- Question: Is it possible to set up an implementers mailing list so those participating in the CAP testing can communicate among themselves (need to check with Allen)
David had emailed an object model for the ICS form 201. Some brief discussion around this document, but more detailed discussion at the next meeting when everyone had time to review model.
- Concern about maps � this is a very complex item. Would like to have ability to describe area (sketching and faxing of sketch is how ICS process works today).
- Ability to give high level geographic boundary
- Addition of something similar to area concept in CAP
- Need to be careful what is deemed mandatory and non-mandatory.
- Accommodate people who want to work in grant text box
- Expiration date and time needs to be added in. Currently no representation of time
- Must assume this will be used in different ways by different groups
CAP Channel
Since Eliot is on the road and unable to join the call this discussion will be tabled until next week.
Action Items
- Gary to provide relational database version of CAP to subcommittee
- Subcommittee members to review ICS object Model
- Art to work with Allen to see if we can set up mailing list for members participating in CAP testing (this will have to wait until all the problems with Kavi is resolved)
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 19 at 9:30am PDT/12:30pm EDT
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