OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Meeting Minutes: 9/9/03

    Posted 09-09-2003 18:31
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    Subject: Meeting Minutes: 9/9/03

    [IF SC Update]
    * Document should be out in a few hours. Understand this is not a "standard", as in original work, but rather a document referencing infrastructure components and their relativeness to other things. Also, keep in mind part of the intent is to stimulate thought, so look at it constructively and for a first pass try to comment on how to make it better, rather than how to smooth the edges. Edge smoothing is next.
    * Transport (see #2 in agenda http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200309/msg00007.html): agreed this is something we need to look into. Discussion quickly jumped into CAP Test.  Additional comment from Rex later in the meeting that we need to be sure to keep CAP separate from Transport - there was additional agreement.
    [MSG SC Update]
    * CAP Tests: some confusion on who owned this (IF or MSG). Reminder that during the f2f Rick and Allen were suppose to generate test then the group of 6 were suppose to work out delivery details. At this point, DMI-Services (with minor fix to happen over next couple of days) and Blue292 are ready and IEM should be ready by Friday. Art and Eliot have sample CAP messages available to be consumed as well.
    * DMI-Services CAP Test: updating their interface to turn what is sent from their service back into valid CAP message - rather than ship SOAP encoded alert. Should be ready by end of week.
    * Michael Wilson: comment on what we voted on. Basically, CAP is in fact a "Committee Specification", but it is also more "internal" right now until the tests are complete, as we have asked OASIS not to officially announce it yet (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200308/msg00036.html).
    * Take away from this is that we should have waited to vote on CAP until the tests were complete. Will be sure to follow this lesson's learned on our next effort.
    * ICS - working with GIS SC on how to craft area construct. Good progress on effort.
    [GIS SC Update]
    * Action item from their meeting today is to create a Requirements doc. Carl is going to consolidate into Working Draft. Will also include (probably) 3 use cases. Carl has one, Rex is providing another one - maybe 1 more. Shooting for initial draft by end of week to help with discussion. 
    * FGDC will be releasing draft (EM symbology content) mid-October. Group has been communicating with them.
    * Appears a FEMA person will be joining. Looking to get someone from DHS.
    [Action Items - posted to Kavi as well]
    1. Rick: Begin discussion around transport. 
    2. Cathy: Update from E Team on their progress with CAP Test.
    3. Allen: Send email to coordinate next steps of CAP Test.
    4. Fred: Update from ShipAnalytics on their progress with CAP Test.
    5. Brian Pattinson: Update from Unisys on their progress with CAP Test.
    6. Jerry: Notify group via email when he is ready to send out CAP alerts for Test.

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