OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-01-2009 17:35
    I am requesting discussion on a problem with conflicts around 

  • 2.  Re: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-01-2009 19:01
    This is all interesting, I'm sure, but I'm not seeing what the problem is. 
     Is there any application that is currently having difficulty with these 
    elements, or who is unsure of what they can put down in these values?  Is 
    there some interoperability problem someone is having with ODF documents 
    and another Dublin Core processing application that hinges on differing 
    nuances for what dc:creator means?
    It really looks like this as just strings from what any program can make 
    of them.  The distinction between "entity primarily responsible for making 
    the content of the resource" and "the person who last modified the 
    document" is entirely in the human domain.  I can't think of any existing 
    word processor that is capable of distinguishing these two.  It is really 
    just a librarian versus content author perspective difference.  Dublin 
    core states it from the librarian/curator perspective, and ODF states it 
    from the document author perspective.  But these are different sides of 
    the same coin, not necessarily in conflict.
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 3.  Re: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-01-2009 19:35
    robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > This is all interesting, I'm sure, but I'm not seeing what the problem is. 
    >  Is there any application that is currently having difficulty with these 
    > elements, or who is unsure of what they can put down in these values?  Is 
    > there some interoperability problem someone is having with ODF documents 
    > and another Dublin Core processing application that hinges on differing 
    > nuances for what dc:creator means?
    I don't have an example to offer of an interoperability problem due to 
    differing definitions of dc:creator.
    However, I think Dennis's point remains a good one.
    The issue isn't one of "is there a problem," but rather whether the ODF 
    standard follows the semantics of elements and attributes in namespaces 
    that it imports. The utility of namespaces hinges on standards and 
    ultimately applications doing exactly that.
    As I said, I don't have a demonstration of an impact on interoperability 
    but that seems like an awfully slippery slope on which to base the use 
    of other standards.
    > It really looks like this as just strings from what any program can make 
    > of them.  The distinction between "entity primarily responsible for making 
    > the content of the resource" and "the person who last modified the 
    > document" is entirely in the human domain.  I can't think of any existing 
    > word processor that is capable of distinguishing these two.  It is really 
    > just a librarian versus content author perspective difference.  Dublin 
    > core states it from the librarian/curator perspective, and ODF states it 
    > from the document author perspective.  But these are different sides of 
    > the same coin, not necessarily in conflict.
    Well, but when we define some element/attribute in ODF, I do rather hope 
    that anyone who imports the ODF namespace will use our definitions and 
    not simply make up ones they like better.
    It seems to me to be a question of reciprocity, that is if we expect 
    others to follow our work in our namespace, then we really need to 
    extend that courtesy to others.
    Hope you are having a great day!
    > -Rob
    > "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 4.  Re: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-01-2009 20:22
    Patrick Durusau 

  • 5.  RE: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-01-2009 22:56
    Please read section 3 of my original note:

  • 6.  RE: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-01-2009 23:57
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 7.  RE: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-02-2009 00:49
    We need to refer to that.  It is very important that we refer to that and
    not other DCMI documents, because DCMI has removed the XML provision from
    its latest DCMI Namespace policy.
    Here's the glitch:
    1. This document you link (thank you, thank you, a thousand thanks) is a
    DCMI recommendation, Guidelines for implementing Dublin Core in XML, that
    was issued on 2003-04-02,

  • 8.  Re: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-02-2009 07:15
    Hi Dennis,
    On 04/02/09 02:49, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    > Wonderful!
    > We need to refer to that.  It is very important that we refer to that and
    > not other DCMI documents, because DCMI has removed the XML provision from
    > its latest DCMI Namespace policy.
    Well, this document does describe how DCMI should be used within XML, 
    and therefore explains why ODF is using DCMI in the way it is using it. 
    But is this what we should refer to in the ODF specification? Isn't the 
    specification we have to cite here the one that describes the semantics 
    of elements, and isn't this
    that is, the one we are citing right now?
    > OK, good.  Now we're simply back to discussion on whether the inconsistent
    > specializations of 

  • 9.  Re: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-02-2009 12:48
    Michael.Brauer@Sun.COM wrote on 04/02/2009 03:14:20 AM:
    > On 04/02/09 02:49, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    > > Wonderful!
    > > 
    > > We need to refer to that.  It is very important that we refer to that 
    > > not other DCMI documents, because DCMI has removed the XML provision 
    > > its latest DCMI Namespace policy.
    > Well, this document does describe how DCMI should be used within XML, 
    > and therefore explains why ODF is using DCMI in the way it is using it. 
    > But is this what we should refer to in the ODF specification? Isn't the 
    > specification we have to cite here the one that describes the semantics 
    > of elements, and isn't this
    > http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dces/
    > that is, the one we are citing right now?
    I think the question to ask is:  Does the reference explain _why_ we made 
    the choice we did?  Or does it state _what is required_ of a conformant 
    ODF document or ODF Producer/Consumer?  If a reference is justifying our 
    design choice, or providing a design rationale, then it is not really a 
    normative reference.  We might have an informative reference for that if 
    we want, but that is purely optional.  But if something defines a 
    requirement for a document, producer, or consumer, then it requires a 
    normative reference. 
    The use of a particular namespace for Dublin Core is already required by 
    our schema.  We don't need to cite any further authority than that.  The 
    fact that it is in synch with the Guidelines is great.  But from the 
    perspective of an ODF document/producer/consumer, they use that namespace 
    because the ODF schema defines it so. 

  • 10.  RE: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-02-2009 17:22
    It is important to cite the Guidelines for use in XML because what we are
    doing is using Dublin Core in XML (not RDF, the primary application of
    Dublin Core for the Semantic Web).  
    The DCMI XML Guidelines document makes sufficient reference to the semantics
    and other aspects of the Dublin Core Element Set 1.1 (and later ones), so it
    is an appropriate way to be specific about the ODF reliance on Dublin Core
    in elements like 

  • 11.  Re: [office] Discussion Requested: ODF

    Posted 04-03-2009 06:50
    Hi Dennis,
    On 04/02/09 19:21, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    > Michael,
    > It is important to cite the Guidelines for use in XML because what we are
    > doing is using Dublin Core in XML (not RDF, the primary application of
    > Dublin Core for the Semantic Web).  
    My understanding is that these guidelines contain guidelines only for 
    the schema design phase, but none for the phase at which instances using 
    that schema are created or processed.
    Take for instance the first three recommendation:
     > Recommendation 1. Implementors should base their XML applications on
     > XML Schemas [XMLSCHEMA] rather than XML DTDs.
     > Recommendation 2. Implementors should use XML Namespaces [XMLNS] to
     > uniquely identify DC elements, element refinements and encoding
     > schemes.
     > Recommendation 3. Implementors should encode properties as XML
     > elements and values as the content of those elements.
    These are all recommendations we have followed for ODF when designing 
    the ODF schema (well, we use RNG rather than XSD, but I think the main 
    advice here is not use use DTDs).
    Now, that we have the schema, no implementor of ODF ever has to care 
    about these recommendations any longer. They are implemented in ODF 
    itself already.
    > The DCMI XML Guidelines document makes sufficient reference to the semantics
    > and other aspects of the Dublin Core Element Set 1.1 (and later ones), so it
    > is an appropriate way to be specific about the ODF reliance on Dublin Core
    > in elements like