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Subject: about SMTP binding
Proposed updates to SMTP binding:
- Before line 1923: add a new subsection 11.3
with SMTP".
- Modify the 1st sentence"
"When using SMTP transport, the only additional
requirement is that the Mime-Version header must be..."
Replace with:
"When using SMTP transport, the Mime-Version header
must be..."
Add at the end of 11.3:
"An SMTP binding to ebMS One-way Pull or ebMS
Request-reply MEPs relies on the SMTP binding of the SOAP Request-response MEP.
The first message (SOAP request) must contain a resolvable SMTP address of the Sending
MSH in the "From" SMTP header (this is not required when binding a
SOAP One-way). Each leg of the SOAP Request-response MEP binds to an SMTP
message. The "From" and "To" SMTP headers must swap
values from the SOAP request to the SOAP response."
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