OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

Re: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R150]

  • 1.  Re: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R150]

    Posted 06-12-2002 14:15
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: Re: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R150]

    During the security subgroup call on 6/11, it was proposed this requirement
    clarify the intent relative to End-User modification of their
    authentication state. A new last sentence has been added as a result:
    The authentication state of the End-User MUST be represented in the
    Producer's context data. This authentication state SHOULD be modifiable by
    the Producer, Consumer and End-User. For example, the End-User could lower
    their authentication state to not authenticated.

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