OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

  • 1.  NDR checklist: CDLXX

    Posted 04-21-2004 23:39
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: NDR checklist: CDLXX

    The current NDR checklist says:
       [CDLXX] The tokens comprising the URN MUST adhere to the
       following guidelines
        - Whitespace MUST NOT be used within the URN.
        - Special characters MUST NOT be used within the URN. Special
          characters are those characters outside of the range 0-9 or
        - lowercase letters
        - If the code list version identifies a minor version then the
          major and minor version of the code list MUST be separated
          by a period (.).
    The third bullet seems a bit terse.  Is it supposed to say that
    only lowercase letters should appear in the URN?

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