OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] Fwd: Register EDXL-DE at ET.gov?

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Fwd: Register EDXL-DE at ET.gov?

    Posted 06-27-2006 09:33
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Fwd: Register EDXL-DE at ET.gov?

    Seems a reasonable idea as long as 1.) they recognize that EDXL-DE is an
    international standard and 2.) this not restrict the ability of the OASIS
    EM TC to revise and maintain EDXL-DE as an OASIS standard.
    >>Delivered-To: ejones@warningsystems.com
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    >>X-ASG-Orig-Subj: Register EDXL-DE at ET.gov?
    >>Subject: Register EDXL-DE at ET.gov?
    >>To: ejones@warningsystems.com,
    >>         jridgely@longbranchsystems.com
    >>X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 6.5 September 26, 2003
    >>From: Owen_Ambur@ios.doi.gov
    >>Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 11:26:21 -0400
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    >>Elysa & Julia, I invite the EDXL TC to consider registering EDXL-DE at
    >>ET.gov as a proposed standard for inclusion in the Federal Enterprise
    >>Architecture (FEA) Technical Reference Model (TRM).  See
    >>http://et.gov/pagehelp.aspx#technicalstandard and http://et.gov/ and
    >>perhaps also http://xml.gov/agendas.asp
    >>BTW, if a Federal agency CIO is ready, willing, and able to do so, he or
    >>she could use the FEA model maintenance process (with or without
    >> reference
    >>to the ET.gov site/process) to propose inclusion of EDXL in either the
    >> TRM
    >>or the Data Reference Model (DRM) by using the form referenced at
    >>http://et.gov/stage4.htm and available at
    >>Owen Ambur
    >>Co-Chair, xmlCoP  http://xml.gov/
    >>Project Manager, ET.gov  http://et.gov/
    >>----- Forwarded by Owen Ambur/PIR/OS/DOI on 06/26/2006 11:17 AM -----
    >>              "GCN Daily
    >>              Update"
    >>              <gcn@eletters.gcn
    >> To
    >>              .com>                     Owen Ambur/PIR/OS/DOI@DOI
    >>                                                                         cc
    >>              06/23/2006 01:03
    >>              AM
    >> Subject
    >>                                        VA to offer free credit
    >> monitoring
    >>GCN Daily Update
    >>June 23, 2006
    >>A new open IT standard, capable of facilitating data sharing across
    >>local, regional, national and international governments and
    >>organizations, has been ratified by the Organization for the
    >>Advancement of Structured Information Standards.
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