OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  While is info-types The Way It Is?

    Posted 01-23-2007 03:41
    Per my prior comment on the "dita" element and the ditabase document 
    type, it's always bothered me that the topic types are declared and 
    organized as separate document types--there's no reason for it except 
    for the way the info-types parameter entity is used.
    This must be true because the ditabase declaration set allows you to mix 
    all the DITA-defined topic types. Were it not for the re-use of of 
    info-types parameter entity in the content models of all the topic types 
    you could have one coherent set of declarations with *exactly one* 
    URI/public ID and everything would just work.
    That is, the current declaratoin set organization seems to be based on 
    the mistaken idea that every declaration set defines exactly one allowed 
    root element type, which of course is not the case.
    That is, using the ditabase declaration set, I can have both of these 
    documents and they are both perfectly valid:
    The only difference is the root element type.
    I don't have a problem with organizing the declarations for the 
    different topic types into separate declaration set modules--that makes 
    perfect sense, especially when you want to create a specialized set of 
    declarations that only reflects some of the base topic types.
    What I'm objecting to is that the info-types parameter entity *requires* 
    that you must have *both* an all-encompassing declaration set that 
    provides all the topic types *as well as* topic-specific document types 
    that must have distinct external identifiers, which adds avoidable 
    complication (because all these external identifiers have to be mapped 
    in catalogs or otherwise managed).
    What is the justification for having this shared parameter entity name 
    (info-types) and why can't we define topic-specific parameter entities 
    that allow us to have a single conherent set of declarations that 
    encompasses all of the topic element types?
    W. Eliot Kimber
    Professional Services
    Innodata Isogen
    8500 N. Mopac, Suite 402
    Austin, TX 78759
    (214) 954-5198

  • 2.  Re: [dita] While is info-types The Way It Is?

    Posted 01-23-2007 14:45

    >What is the justification for having this shared parameter entity name
    >(info-types) and why can't we define topic-specific parameter entities
    >that allow us to have a single conherent set of declarations that
    >encompasses all of the topic element types?

    The idea is to provide control over how a particular doctype allows nesting of different topic types:

    - If you just want a general bucket that allows any type as root and any type nesting, you can use <dita> as a containing element, and list all the valid structural types in the info-types entity.
    - If you want specific control (like concept only concepts, or concept and task can nest reference but not vice versa) then you can set the type-specific entities (like concept-info-types).

    There is every possibility for a dozen different doctypes all using <concept> as the root, and all allowing different nesting rules (as well as combinations of included domains).

    Right now we don't have a meaningful way to communicate the nesting rules to non-doctype-aware processes, the way we do with domain inclusion. Since the main focus in DITA is on the topic, and nesting rules are at a higher level, I don't think it's a huge problem, but it is something we should probably look at for 1.2.

    In terms of file vs. document, and composite/compound document: agreed we need to clear up the terminology.

    In terms of clear definition of <dita>: there's a mention of it in the terminology section, under "document type" shell" but I think you're right it needs more substantial explanation.

    Michael Priestley
    IBM DITA Architect and Classification Schema PDT Lead

    "W. Eliot Kimber" <ekimber@innodata-isogen.com>

    01/22/2007 10:40 PM

    [dita] While is info-types The Way It Is?

    Per my prior comment on the "dita" element and the ditabase document
    type, it's always bothered me that the topic types are declared and
    organized as separate document types--there's no reason for it except
    for the way the info-types parameter entity is used.

    This must be true because the ditabase declaration set allows you to mix
    all the DITA-defined topic types. Were it not for the re-use of of
    info-types parameter entity in the content models of all the topic types
    you could have one coherent set of declarations with *exactly one*
    URI/public ID and everything would just work.

    That is, the current declaratoin set organization seems to be based on
    the mistaken idea that every declaration set defines exactly one allowed
    root element type, which of course is not the case.

    That is, using the ditabase declaration set, I can have both of these
    documents and they are both perfectly valid:

    <!DOCTYPE dita SYSTEM "database.dtd">
    <dita><concept><title>A Concept</title></concept></dita>

    <!DOCTYPE concept SYSTEM "database.dtd">
    <concept><title>A Concept</title></concept>

    The only difference is the root element type.

    I don't have a problem with organizing the declarations for the
    different topic types into separate declaration set modules--that makes
    perfect sense, especially when you want to create a specialized set of
    declarations that only reflects some of the base topic types.

    What I'm objecting to is that the info-types parameter entity *requires*
    that you must have *both* an all-encompassing declaration set that
    provides all the topic types *as well as* topic-specific document types
    that must have distinct external identifiers, which adds avoidable
    complication (because all these external identifiers have to be mapped
    in catalogs or otherwise managed).

    What is the justification for having this shared parameter entity name
    (info-types) and why can't we define topic-specific parameter entities
    that allow us to have a single conherent set of declarations that
    encompasses all of the topic element types?



    W. Eliot Kimber
    Professional Services
    Innodata Isogen
    8500 N. Mopac, Suite 402
    Austin, TX 78759
    (214) 954-5198
